要在JavaScript 中将数字四舍五入到小数点后两位,请对数字调用 toFixed() 方法,即 num.toFixed(2)。toFixed() 会将数字四舍五入并将其格式化为小数点后两位。 例如: JavaScript constnum =5.3281; constresult = num.toFixed(2);console.log(r...
decimals = Number(decimals);if (decimals < ) { newString = (Math round(number)) toString();} else { var numString = number toString();if (numString lastIndexOf(" ") == ) {// If there is no decimal point numString += " ";// give it one at the end } var cut...
//制保留2位小数,如:2,会在2后面补上00.即2.00 function toDecimal2(x) { var f = parseFloat(x);if (isNaN(f)) { return false;} var f = Math.round(x*100)/100;var s = f.toString();var rs = s.indexOf('.');if (rs < 0) { rs = s.length;s += '.';} ...
f = Math.round(x*100)/100; return f; } //制保留2位小数,如:2,会在2后面补上00.即2.00 function toDecimal2(x) { var f = parseFloat(x); if (isNaN(f)) { return false; } var f = Math.round(x*100)/100; var s = f.toString(); var rs = s.indexOf('.'); if (rs < 0...
s +='0'; } returns; } functionfomatFloat(src,pos){ returnMath.round(src*Math.pow(10, pos))/Math.pow(10, pos); } //四舍五入 alert("保留2位小数:"+ toDecimal(3.14159267)); alert("强制保留2位小数:"+ toDecimal2(3.14159267)); ...
decimals:保留几位小数,默认两位,可不传; dec_point:小数点符号,默认为‘.’,可不传; thousands_sep:千分位符号,默认为‘,’,可不传; round_tag:舎入方式,默认为四舍五入('round'),可不传; 向上取值('ceil');向下取值('floor'); 1 2
Math.round(number)必选项 number 参数是要舍入到最接近整数的值。说明 如果 number 的小数部分大于等于 0.5,返回值是大于 number 的最小整数。否则,round 返回小于等于 number 的最大整数。而你的写法, 根本就没有用, 没有这样的写法 你自己创建一个方法 function xround(x, num){ Math.round...
Number of decimals. Default is 0 (no decimals) Return Value TypeDescription A stringThe representation of a number with (or without) decimals. More Examples Round to 10 decimals letnum =5.56789; letn = num.toFixed(10); Try it Yourself » ...
ReactJs Round to two decimal places | JavaScript Example. We can use native JavaScript method to round to two or more places in React JS. Here we are going to create one example to use toFixed method to format the decimal numbers to 2 decimal places.
f = Math.round(x*100)/100; return f; } //制保留2位小数,如:2,会在2后面补上00.即2.00 function toDecimal2(x) { var f = parseFloat(x); if (isNaN(f)) { return false; } var f = Math.round(x*100)/100; var s = f.toString(); ...