To create a named capture group in JavaScript, you can use the syntax(?<name>pattern), wherenameis the name you want to assign to the group, andpatternis theregular expression patternfor that group. JavaScript regex named group example Simple example code that demonstrates how to use named c...
组匹配的一个问题是,每一组的匹配含义不容易看出来,而且只能用数字序号(比如matchObj[1])引用,要是组的顺序变了,引用的时候就必须修改序号。 ES2018 引入了具名组匹配(Named Capture Groups),允许为每一个组匹配指定一个名字,既便于阅读代码,又便于引用。 const RE_DATE = /(?<year>\d{4})-(?<month>\...
RegExp named capture groups(正则表达式命名捕获组) 代码语言:javascript 复制 constregex=/(?<year>\d{4})-(?<month>\d{2})-(?<day>\d{2})/;constmatch=regex.exec('2023-06-25');console.log(match.groups.year);// 2023console.log(match.groups.month);// 06console.log(;...
这种方法的好处就是在你的正则里写好了 named group 之后, 在写解构赋值的时候直接对着上面的正则写即可, 就不会出错了. 反向引用 以前的 capture group 会用\1,\2来 back reference, 同理 named group 也一样可以, 语法是\k<name>, k 的意思我猜是 duplicate? constdate='2019-12-12'constre=/(?<y...
In this proposal,\k<foo>in non-Unicode RegExps will continue to match the literal string"k<foo>"unlessthe RegExp contains a named group, in which case it will match that group or be a syntax error, depending on whether or not the RegExp has a named group namedfoo. This does not af...
To recall a named capture group later in the pattern, you can use the/\k<name>/syntax. Here is an example: const re = /\b(?<dup>\w+)\s+\k<dup>\b/; const match = re.exec("I'm not lazy, I'm on on energy saving mode"); ...
✔ RegExp named capture groups ✔ Rest/spread operators for object literals (...identifier) ✔ SharedArrayBufferECMAScript 2019✔ Array.prototype.flat, Array.prototype.flatMap ✔ String.prototype.trimStart, String.prototype.trimEnd ✔ Object.fromEntries ✔ Symbol.description ✔ Optional ca...
// f. If the ith capture of R was defined with a GroupName, then // i. Let s be the CapturingGroupName of the corresponding RegExpIdentifierName. // ii. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(groups, s, capturedValue). for (name, range) in named_groups { ...
If a match is found, you can get the verb name from the named capture group.Both of the mapping methods need to differentiate between the Get Single and Get All Actions and they both use the IdentifyEnumerable method shown in the following code:...
/(?<foo>a)(?<foo>b)/// SyntaxError: Duplicate capture group name 反向引用一个不存在的分组名: 代码语言:javascript 复制 /\k<foo>/u// SyntaxError: Invalid named capture referenced/\k<foo>/.test("k<foo>")// true, 非 Unicode 下为了向后兼容,k 前面的 \ 会被丢弃 ...