function extractDates2(arr) { let dates = []; for(let i = 0; i<arr.length; i++) { let begin = regexIndexOf(arr[i], /(\d{1,2}\/){2}\d{4}/g); let end = regexIndexOf(arr[i], /[0-9] /g, begin) + 1; dates.push(arr[i].substring(begin, end)); } return dates...
1 Help needed with correct escaping of regular expression javascript 24 JavaScript Regex, where to use escape characters? 18 How to properly escape characters in regexp 1 Escape regex within string 0 Javascript regex help 4 Properly escape variable inside RegEx (JavaScript) 3 JavaScript rege...
The regex you need. This one will separately extract the arguments and the body of the function code. Returning an array of 6 items the 3rd and 5th items in the array will be the arguments and the function code body. Can be used to extract methods from objects. You can call func.toStr...
function extractContent(url) {const regex = /\/([^/?]+)\??.*$/;const match = url.match(regex);if (match) {return match[1];}return '';}// 示例用法const url1 = "";const url2 = "";const ...
* or not a substring exists within the string **/what = typeof what === 'string' ? what : what.toString();return this.indexOf( what ) > -1;},count: function( what ) {/** * Returns a number indicating how many times * a substring or regex is matched within the string **/if...
替换字符串中的regex \\+n 、 我希望删除每一个字符串,以一个或多个\开头,然后使用n。例如: input:{\n\n abc \\nb\\\ncc} expect output:{ abc bcc} In javascript它与regex /\\+n/g一起工作,但它在/\\+n/g中不工作: str.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\+n", with: "", options: .regu...
使用substring()方法:substring()方法可以根据指定的起始索引和结束索引来截取字符串的一部分。通过多次使用substring()方法,可以实现字符串的拆分。例如,如果要将字符串拆分成两部分,可以使用以下代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 var str = "Hello World"; var part1 = str.substring(0, 5); var part2 = str.substri...
使用正则表达式,沿着这些方向应该做的事情:[^/]+.[^/]+虽然这并未涵盖所有可能的情况,但它应该适用于大多数情况。你可以使用这些:var url = window.location.href; var regex = new RegExp("[^/]+.[^/]+"); var fileName = regex.exec(url);希望有所帮助 var...