Repository files navigation README Awesome JavaScript A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things.Awesome JavaScript Package ManagersComponent managementLoadersTranspilersBundlersMinimizersType CheckersTesting FrameworksQA...
Source File: config.js From homebridge-petkit-feeder-mini with Apache License 2.0 8 votes static readStoragedConfigFromFile(filePath, errlog) { var result = undefined; try { // const filePath = api.user.storagePath() + '/raspberry-simplegpio.json'; if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) { ...
这个是之前的时候搞得一个读取文件的方法,里边用到了FileReader的readAsText方法,不多说废话了,直接附上代码和效果图 exportdefaultfunctionreadFile(model) {returnnewPromise((resolve) =>{// 谷歌if(window.FileReader) {// 获取文件流letfile = model.currentTarget? model.currentTarget.files[0] : model;// ...
1. File System Package - JavaScript applications can read files from the system thanks to the File System Package. Advertisement 2. FileReaderWeb API - Allows working with files from an HTML webpage using the FileReaderWeb API. Advertisement ...
造成这种现象的原因是:copyFile(...)是异步执行的,程序执行到copyFile(...)函数后,并不会等待其复制完毕,而是直接向下执行,从而导致出现文件./to.txt不存在的错误,或者文件内容为空错误(如果提前创建文件)。 三、回调函数 异步函数的具体执行结束的时间是不能确定的,例如readFile(from,to)函数的执行结束时间大... package.json package.json View all files Repository files navigation README Code of conduct MIT license Security Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide() {A mostly reasonable approach to JavaScriptNote: this guide assumes you are using Babel, and requires that you use babel-preset-airbnb or th...
Slicing a file In some cases reading the entire file into memory isn't the best option. For example, say you wanted to write an async file uploader. One possible way to speed up the upload would be to read and send the file in separate byte range chunks. The server component would the...
// containerClient: ContainerClient object// blobName: string, includes file extension if provided// readableStream: Readable stream, for example, a stream returned from fs.createReadStream()asyncfunctionuploadBlobFromReadStream(containerClient, blobName, readableStream){// Create blob client from contai...
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/FileSaverNew.js"></script> 二、定义下载的方法 functiondownloadResultHtml(){ saveTextAs($("#resultText").html(), (projNo || "") + "保障性住房配建比例分析结果.html"); };functiondownloadResultTxt(){ ...
To read a file's content, you perform a GET operation on the file's URL, as shown in the following example.JavaScript Copy function readFile(resultpanel) { var clientContext; var oWebsite; var fileUrl; clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current(); oWebsite = clientContext.get_...