For more on this confusing anomaly, see this SitePoint post. JavaScript Array Methods Interview Question #1 Q: What’s the output from the code below and why? var array1 = "sean".split(''); var array2 = array1.reverse(); var array3 = "brown".split(''); array2.push(array3); co...
空语句是不做任何事情的空语句。 for() 在空语句上进行 4 次迭代(不执行任何操作),而忽略实际将项目推入数组的块:{number.push(i + 1);}。上面的代码等效于以下代码: const length = 4; const numbers = []; var i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { // does nothing } { // a simple ...
for() 在空语句上进行 4 次迭代(不执行任何操作),而忽略实际将项目推入数组的块:{number.push(i + 1);}。上面的代码等效于以下代码: constlength =4;constnumbers = [];vari;for(i =0; i < length; i++) {// does nothing} {// a simple blocknumbers.push(i +1); } numbers;// => [5]...
for(i =0; i < length; i++) { // does nothing } { // a simple block numbers.push(i +1); } numbers;// => [5] for将 i 变量递增到4,然后 Java 一次进入块{number.push(i + 1);},将4 +1推入数字数组。 因此,numbers数组的内容为[5]。 四 自动分号插入 Question arrayFromValue返回...
Take a look at this interview. The question was to partially apply an add function. The candidate started each step of the solution with writing unit tests! This is the best demonstration of test-driven development one can wish for.The next example is my typical interview question...
Question - 15 :JavaScript Regular function knowledgeWhat is the difference between `map()` and `forEach()` methods ? `Answer :` The 'map()' method creates a new array with the results of calling provided function on every element in the calling array . Whereas, the forEach() method ...
# JavaScript interview Question - Create a Array with two papameters without using loop! ## JavaScript - 不用循环, 创建数组 & 数据 > JavaScript问题: 自定义一个函数,接收 m,n 两个整数参数, 返回一个长度为m 的且值都等于n的数组, 不能使用任何js ...
JavaScript famous interview question: 0.1 + 0.2 !== 0.3, will soon be a thing of the past [[Translation]BigInt: Arbitrary Precision Integer in JavaScript]( Getting Started with ECMAScript 6 In JavaScript, how to tell if an array is an array?
But it doesn't have to end here! Sign up for the 7-day coding interview crash course and you'll get a free Interview Cake problem every week. No spam, ever. If we execute this Javascript, what will the browser's console show? var text = 'outside'; function logIt(){ console....