Arithmetic operators perform arithmetic on numbers (literals or variables). OperatorDescription +Addition -Subtraction *Multiplication **Exponentiation (ES2016) /Division %Modulus (Remainder) ++Increment --Decrement Arithmetic Operations A typical arithmetic operation operates on two numbers. ...
// Operators act on values (the operands) to produce a new value.// Arithmetic operators are some of the simplest:3+2// => 5: addition3-2// => 1: subtraction3*2// => 6: multiplication3/2// => 1.5: divisionpoints[1].x- points[0].x// => 1: more complicated operands also ...
String Operators Logical Operators Bitwise Operators Ternary Operators Type Operators JavaScript Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic Operatorsare used to perform arithmetic on numbers: Arithmetic Operators Example leta =3; letx = (100+50) * a; Try it Yourself » ...
// Operators act on values (the operands) to produce a new value.// Arithmetic operators are some of the simplest:3+2// => 5: addition3-2// => 1: subtraction3*2// => 6: multiplication3/2// => 1.5: divisionpoints[1].x-points[0].x// => 1: more complicated operands also w...
// Operators act on values (the operands) to produce a new value. // Arithmetic operators are some of the simplest: 3 + 2 // => 5: addition 3 - 2 // => 1: subtraction 3 * 2 // => 6: multiplication 3 / 2 // => 1.5: division ...
In JavaScript when an arithmetic operation fails it does not throw an error; instead it returns a special numeric value, called NaN (for Not a Number), and the program happily continues with execution. The following operations all result in NaN: ...
OperatorsAssignment operatorsAn equal sign in JavaScript is an assignment operator. It uses to assign a variable.let firstName = 'Asabeneh' let country = 'Finland'Arithmetic OperatorsArithmetic operators are mathematical operators.Addition(+): a + b Subtraction(-): a - b Multiplication(*):a *...
For example, 2 + 3; // 5. Here + is an operator that performs addition, and 2 and 3 are operands. In JavaScript has list of operators it`s given bellow.List of JavaScript Operators: Assignment operators, Comparison operators, Arithmetic operators, Logical operators, Conditional operators ...
Unlike other programming languages, JavaScript only has onenumber data type; there is no distinction made between integers (positive or negative whole numbers) and floats (numbers with a decimal point), for example. In this tutorial, we will go over arithmetic operators, assignment operators, and...
AddExpr (“+”), SubExpr (“-“), MulExpr (“*”), DivExpr (“/”), ModExpr (“%”), ExpExpr (“**”): arithmetic operators. BitOrExpr (“|”), XOrExpr (“^”), BitAndExpr (”&”): bitwise operators. InExpr: an in test. InstanceofExpr: an instanceof test. LogAndExpr...