1 function parseURL(url) { 2 var a = document.createElement('a'); 3 a.href = url; 4 return { 5 source: url, 6 protocol: a.protocol.replace(':',''), 7 host: a.hostname, 8 port: a.port, 9 query: a.search, 10 params: (function(){ 11 var ret = {}, 12 seg = a....
varmyURL = parseURL('http://abc.com:8080/dir/index.html?id=255&m=hello#top'); myURL.file;// = 'index.html' myURL.hash;// = 'top' myURL.host;// = 'abc.com' myURL.query;// = '?id=255&m=hello' myURL.params;// = Object = { id: 255, m: hello } myURL.path;// ...
javascript的url参数parse和build函数 Parse: functiongetParam() {varparam =newObject()varitem =newArray();if(location.search == "") {returnparam; };varquery = location.search.substring(1);varlist = query.split('&');for(vari = 0; i < list.length; i++) { item= list[i].split('='...
Parse: function getParam() { var param = new Object() var item = new Array(); if (location.search == ) { return param; }; ...
JS解析URL函数parseURL Oooooooo 1.7k164966 发布于 2015-06-14 该函数在没有传递参数的情况下默认解析的是当前URL, 但是函数中并没有看到类似 host = window.location.host; url=document.domain; url = window.location.href; 这类获取当前URL的代码,那么该函数是如何获取当前的URL并进行解析的呢?
而上面会出现这个问题的原因也许跟解析url的库有关,url.parse(req.url, false / true ) ,设置true时URL encoded 使用qs,设置false时 , 使用query-string,...
程式碼ContextHub.Utils.JSON.parse("{'city':'Basel','country':'Switzerland','population':'173330'}");傳回下列物件: Object { city: "Basel", country: "Switzerland", population: 173330 } stringify(data) 將JavaScript值和物件序列化為JSON格式的字串值。
https://dmitripavlutin.com/parse-url-JavaScript 很多时候你需要获取到一段 URL 的某个组成部分。它们可能是 hostname(例如 dmitripavlutin.com),或者 pathname(例如 /parse-url-JavaScript)。 一个方便的用于获取 URL 组成部分的办法是通过 URL() 构造函数。
In the above code, “window.location.search” is to get the query string, “replace” function and regular expression is to parse and save the parameters in the object. Get the variables by calling above function: varparams=getUrlParams();alert(params.id);alert(params.name); ...