String mask In the case of a country code or product key input, where the input string requires uppercase characters, the string mask format will enforce this. Date mask The mask can form any date format to get similarly formatted date values. This is helpful in getting culture-specific date...
Javascript Input Mask版本: Forms 授权协议: 开发语言: JavaScript 操作系统: 项目首页 项目文档 项目下载 0 这是一个能够将键盘输入字符替换成一个一个小图标的密码输入框控件。<IMG alt=Javascript_Input_Mask.jpg src="" ...
The input-masking library allows the user to mask an input field using a particular data entry format. This JavaScript module for masking input fields will make entries of spaces, dashes, and other characters automatically. As a result, users can concentrate solely on entering numbers or alphabets...
// Force type only number instead decimal,// masking decimals with ",00"// Zero cents -> "R$ 1.234.567.890,00"zeroCents:true});// Masking an array of input elements to money.VMasker(document.querySelectorAll("data-js-input")).maskMoney();// Converts number to money stringVMasker....
RegExp mask Function mask Number mask (integer and decimal support) Date mask (with various format support and autofix mode) Dynamic/on-the-fly mask Pattern mask show placeholder always or when needed unmasked value can contain fixed parts optional input parts custom definitions reusable blocks secu...
vanilla javascript input mask Features Plugins npm install imaskandimport IMask from 'imask'; or use CDN: <script src=""></script> Build & Test npm run make Compatibility Supports all major browsers. Can also be used with outdated browsers.See how ...
在 React 应用中,我们经常需要根据用户的点击事件来执行相应的操作。在某些情况下,我们需要获取用户点击...
20+ input mask JavaScript libraries to mask, format, and validate user input according to given rules.
imaskjs is a vanilla JavaScript input mask plugin that enables users to enter the data in a certain format. Currently supports 6 mask types: date, number, Pattern, Regex, Function, and Dynamic. Also works with Angular, React, React Native, and Vue.js. Features: 5 mask types: date, numbe...
RegExp mask Function mask Number mask (integer and decimal) Date mask (various format support, autofix mode) Dynamic/on-the-fly mask Pattern mask show placeholder always and only when necessary unmasked value can contain fixed parts optional input parts (greedy) custom definitions reusable blocks...