Number.prototype.toLocaleString。它是在 JavaScript 1.5(于 1999 年推出)中实现的,因此基本上所有主要浏览器都支持它。 varnum=12345.1234num.toLocaleString();//'12,345.123' 方法二、利用循环 实现思路是将数字转换为字符数组,再循环整个数组, 每三位添加一个分隔逗号,最后再合并成字符串。 functionnumberWithComma...
Print a number with commas as thousands of separators in JavaScript var n = 1234.567; function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); } console.log(numberWithCommas(n)); Use toLocaleString // With custom settings, forcing a "US" ...
In this article we will show you the solution of JavaScript format number with commas and decimal, we will use the toLocaleString() method and also a custom function to format the number.JavaScript provides a built-in method called'toLocaleString()', which can format numbers with commas and ...
And those are two ways you can format a number with commas using JavaScript. Formatting a number using regex andreplace()method is always faster than usingtoLocaleString()becausetoLocaleString()method needs to check out the localization (country) selected by your computer or JavaScript engine first ...
JavaScriptJavaScript Number Video Player is loading. Current Time0:00 / Duration-:- Loaded:0% When working with numbers in JavaScript, it’s often helpful to format them with commas for better readability. Whether displaying large monetary values, statistical data, or any numerical information, add...
letformattedNumber=number.toFixed(decimalPlaces);// 保留特定小数位数letnumberWithCommas=number.toLocaleString();// 添加千位分隔符 1. 2. 在上述代码中,我们使用了toFixed()和toLocaleString()函数来格式化数字的显示方式。 总结 通过以上步骤,我们可以在 JavaScript 中定义数字类型,并进行各种基本操作和高级数学运...
// CREDIT: // (A) THE NUMBER var num = 1234567.89; // (B) CONVERT TO STRING & REPLACE var commas = num.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ","); ...
functionnumberWithCommas(x=0){returnx.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g,',')}numberWithCommas(123)// => 123numberWithCommas(1234)// => 1,234 \B代表匹配一个非单词边界,也就是说,实际他并不会替换掉任何的元素。 其次,后边的非捕获组这么定义:存在三的倍数个数字(3、6、9...
Number(number).toLocaleString() // → 123,456 You can create a function that will take a string, convert it to a number and split this number with commas. convertToNumber(number) { return Number(number).toLocaleString(); } toLocaleString()method returns a string with a language-sensitive re...
Trailing commas 一、Async functions 1.1 定义 Async functions 是 async 声明的函数,async 函数是 AsyncFunction 构造函数的实例,其中允许使用 await 关键字。 1.2 语法 async function name([param[, param[, ...param]]]) { // statements } 1.3 返回值 ...