Reference: W3Schools HTML DOM Style color PropertyQ155. Which line is missing from this code if you expect the code to evaluate to true?var compare = function (test1, test2) { // Missing line }; compare(1078, '1078'); // yields true... try to do this //check the length of the text if($('#idfortext').length>sometthing) { var fontsize=10; } $('#yourid').css('font-size',fontsize) Share Improve this answer Follow edited Nov 12, 2010 at 15:11 answered Nov...
Q95. How would you access the word It from this multidimensional array? let matrix = [["You","Can"],["Do","It"],["!","!","!"]]; matrix[1[2]] matrix[1][1] matrix[1,2] matrix[1][2] Q96. What does this code do? const animals = ['Rabbit', 'Dog', 'Cat']; ani...