<input type="button" id="btn" value="切换成readonly状态" onclick="test()" /> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> function test(){ var txt=document.getElementById("txt");var btn=document.getElementById("btn");if(txt.readOnly){ txt.readOnly=false;btn.value="切换成...
9. //alert(text); 10. if (val == 0){ 11. "请选择条件!"); 12. else 13. if(val == 1) { 14. "condition2").style.backgroundColor = "#c0c0c0";//修改input的背景颜色 15. "condition2").readOnly = true;//修改input的readOnly属性 16. } 17. else 18. "condition2"); 19. "...
Javascript设置对象的ReadOnly属性 在JS中ReadOnly属性比较奇怪,直接创建一个对象,给该对象赋值readonly属性不能够向HTML中一样使用下面的方式: var x=document.createElement("input"); x.type="text"; x.value="ttttt"; x.id="xy"; x.readonly="readonly"; 这样创建的对象并不是只读的。正确的写法是: va...
<title>向input标签添加readonly属性</title> </head> <body style = "text-align:center;"> <p style = "font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold;">单击按钮,将readonly属性添加到input框中。</p> <form> Input : <input id = "Input" type="text" name="input_field" /> </form> <br> <...
Readonly和Disabled是用在表单中的两个属性,它们都能够做到使用户不能够更改表单域中的内容。但是它们之间有着微小的差别,总结如下: Readonly只针对input(text / password)和textarea有效,而disabled对于所有的表单元素都有效,包括select, radio, checkbox, button等。
-- display each person --><divid="nameLabel">Name</div><inputid="name"readonly="true"type="text"data-win-bind="value: person.name"/><divid="ageLabel">Age</div><inputid="age"readonly="true"type="text"data-win-bind="value: person.age"/><divid="colorLabel">Favorite Color</...
To make a synchronous call from JavaScript to .NET in a client-side component, use DotNet.invokeMethod instead of DotNet.invokeMethodAsync. Synchronous calls work if: The component is only rendered for execution on WebAssembly. The called function returns a value synchronously. The function i...
If you know for certain that your component only runs on WebAssembly, you can choose to make synchronous JS interop calls. This has slightly less overhead than making asynchronous calls and can result in fewer render cycles because there's no intermediate state while awaiting results.To make a...
setAttribute('readonly', ''); // Make it readonly to be tamper-proof el.style.position = 'absolute'; el.style.left = '-9999px'; // Move outside the screen to make it invisible document.body.appendChild(el); // Append the <textarea> element to the HTML document const selected = ...
By default, popups will make a GetFeatureInfo request specifying the featureInfoFormat mime-type. The featureInfoFormat property only supports text/plain or text/html. Use fetchFeatureInfoFunction to take advantage of other mime-types supported by the service such as JSON or GeoJSON. See feature...