我们在 jQuery 中经常使用的 $(document).ready(function() { // ...代码... }); 其实监听的就是 DOMContentLoaded 事件,而 $(document).load(function() { // ...代码... }); 监听的是 load 事件。在用jquery的时候,我们一般都会将函数调用写在ready方法内,就是页面被解析后,我们就可以访问整个页面...
1bindReady:function() {2if( readyList ) {3return;4}56readyList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory");78//Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the9//browser event has already occurred.10if( document.readyState === "complete") {11//Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts...
document.readyState在DOMContentLoaded前一刻变为interactive,这两个事件可以认为是同时发生。 document.readyState在所有资源加载完毕后(包括iframe和img)变成complete,我们可以看到complete、img.onload和window.onload几乎同时发生,区别就是window.onload在所有其他的load事件之后执行。 总结 页面事件的生命周期: DOMContentLoaded...
document.readyState 属性有两个可能的值: loading,表示文档正在加载; complete,表示文档加载完成。 compatMode 属性 document.compatMode 的值指示浏览器当前处于什么渲染模式 CSS1Compat 标准模式 BackCompat 混杂模式 head 属性 作为对 document.body(指向文档的< body>元素)的补充, HTML5 增加了 document.head 属...
jQuery provides a convenient, browser-agnostic hook that will execute code as soon as the HTML DOM is ready, but without waiting for all page resources to load: 复制 $(document).ready(function() { // Hookup event handlers and execute HTML DOM-related code }); We can...
ASp.Net MVC - JavaScript Document.Ready Asp.net onMouseOver ASP.NET - C# Reflection: AddObject results in “Ambiguous match found exception” during Runtime asp.net 2010 - automatically redirect to login page after 5 minutes of inactivity. ASP.NET 2010 - HTTP Error 404.8 - Not Found The requ...
// Run a batch operation against the Word JavaScript API.Word.run(function(context){// Create a proxy object for the document body.varbody = context.document.body;// Queue a command to load the text property of the proxy body object.body.load("text");// Queue a command to insert text...
包含在元素内部的 JavaScript 代码将被从上至下依次解释。就拿前面这个例子来说,解释器会解释一个函数的定义,然后将该定义保存在自己的环境当中。在解释器对元素内部的所有代码求值完毕以前,页面中的其余内容都不会被浏览器加载或显示。 如果要通过元素来包含外部 JavaScript 文件,那么 src 属性就是必需的。这个属性的...
Welcome to a quick tutorial on how to dynamically load Javascript. So you want to build a single-page web app that requires some magic to load more scripts only after the user has clicked on something? To load an external Javascript file dynamically, we can create atag and insert it ...
something to “document.write” home about—ha, ha, JavaScript humor—but it does demonstrate that you can use JavaScript to add content to a web page, a trick that comes in handy when you want to display messages (like “Welcome back to the site, Dave”) after a web page has ...