let 和 const 的混合 var的行为似乎有悖直觉,而且它经常导致意外的 bug,为了解决这个问题,JavaScript 引入了let和const,它们具有不同的提升机制。 functionhoistExample() {console.log(myVar);// Throws a ReferenceErrorletmyVar =42;console.log(myVar); }hoistExample(); 使用let和const时,仍然会发生提升,但是...
var是不受限于块级的,而let是受限于块级 var会与window相映射(会挂一个属性),而let不与window相映射 var可以在声明的上面访问变量,而let有暂存死区,在声明的上面访问变量会报错 const声明之后必须赋值,否则会报错 const定义不可变的量,改变了就会报错 const和let一样不会与window相映射、支持块级作用域、在声明...
在JavaScript中,使用"let"关键字声明的变量是块级作用域变量,它们只在声明它们的块(通常是花括号{}包围的代码块)内部可见。要更改由"let"设置的块变量,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1...
We'll learn more about them in upcoming chapters. Now let's take a look at the following example where we've created some variables with the let keyword, and simply used the assignment operator (=) to assign values to them, like this: let varName = value;...
javascript let a = 1; let a = 2; // 报错:Identifier 'a' has already been declared 在JavaScript中,变量提升(Hoisting)是一种行为,它将变量和函数声明在代码执行之前移至它们各自作用域的顶部。这意味着无论声明在代码中的位置如何,变量和函数声明在执行任何代码之前都已经可用。这是JavaScript的一个独特特...
letmyString2 ="World"; console.log(myString1 +" "+ myString2 +"!"); 使用 qjsc -o hello helloworld.js 就能够输出一个可执行文件 hello 可执行文件,运行后输出 hello world !。把参数改成-e 可以输出.c文件。 qjsc -e -o helloworld.c helloworld.js ...
I have been playing with ES6 for a while and I noticed that while variables declared with var are hoisted as expected... console.log(typeof name); // undefined var name = "John"; ...variables declared with let or const seem to have some problems with hoisting: console.log(typeof na...
Read More:JavaScript Hoisting 3. The'let'Keyword Theletkeyword is very similar syntax to thevarkeyword – but it is more restrict in the scoping. 3.1. Block Scoped Use theletstatement to declare a variable, when thescope MUST BE restricted to the block in which it is declared. ...
jQuery probably expects you to be using let and const variables in functions going forward, which in JavaScript's ES6 2015 design do NOT allow you to use any local scope (function) let or const variables until they are declared. Even hoisting by Javascript does not allow you to even type-...