$(this).attr("src", "") : $(this).attr("src", "http://wap.cmread.com/rbc/p/content/repository/ues/image/s109/nopic.png"); });*/if(d == undefined || d == "" || d ==null) {varc = Lazy.getY(a), e =Lazy.getX(a);//e < b && c < f && (a.src = a.getAttri...
// Get all elements with the "lazy" classconstlazyImages=document.querySelectorAll(".lazy");// Create a new Intersection Observerconstobserver=newIntersectionObserver((entries,observer)=>{entries.forEach((entry)=>{if(entry.isIntersecting){// Load the image when it comes into the viewportentry....
We can add some Margin to preload image even before we scroll to the image: let lazyImageObserver =newIntersectionObserver((entries, observer) =>{ entries.forEach((entry)=>{//logic for handling interstionif(entry.isIntersecting) { let lazyImage=entry.target lazyImage.src=lazyImage.dataset.src ...
We can add some Margin to preload image even before we scroll to the image: let lazyImageObserver =newIntersectionObserver((entries, observer) =>{ entries.forEach((entry)=>{//logic for handling interstionif(entry.isIntersecting) { let lazyImage=entry.target lazyImage.src=lazyImage.dataset.src ...
抽时间去网上查查了,YUI的图片延迟技术是最成熟的,Jquery的图片延迟插件的设计灵感就来自于YUI的延迟技术(Lazyloader is inspired byYUI ImageLoaderUtility by Matt Mlinac) 怎么实现ImageLazyLoad 在页脚添加以下代码即可: 大家可以直接采用淘宝的延迟加载技术: ...
你需要确保你要么设置高度和宽度 prop 或占位符到你的图像,这应该有助于解决这个问题,因为所有的图像...
dataset.src; image.classList.remove("lazy-load"); imageObserver.unobserve(image); } }); }); lazyloadImages.forEach(function(image) { imageObserver.observe(image); }); } else { let lazyloadThrottleTimeout; lazyloadImages = document.querySelectorAll(".lazy-load"); function lazyload() { if...
it is just a matter of making minor changes to your markup to take full advantage of the feature. The browsers are also smart enough to determine the ideal time when they should lazy load an image based on network speed and image location. You can also implement the functionality yourself ...
load : null, placeholder : "" } } 分别解释一下: threshold: 临界值 threshold: 0 这个值是针对container容器的,即距离container容器视口的临界值 event: 事件 event: "scroll.lazyload" ...
你需要确保你要么设置高度和宽度 prop 或占位符到你的图像,这应该有助于解决这个问题,因为所有的图像...