'constobject={name:"Lydia Hallie"}functionregularFunction(){return'I am a basic function ♀️'}function*generatorFunction(){return'I am a generator function'}constgeneratorObject=generatorFunction() array,string和generatorObject都是迭代器。我们来看一下他们 [Symbol.iterator] 属性的值。 但是那些...
JavaScript Array entries() Example Create an Array Iterator, and then iterate over the key/value pairs: constfruits = ["Banana","Orange","Apple","Mango"]; constf = fruits.entries(); for(letx of f) { document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML+= x; ...
'f'], ['1', 'o'], ['2', 'o'] ]//iterate through key-value gracefullyconst obj = { a: 5, b: 7, c: 9};for(const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
Type Description An array An Array Iterator object containing the keys of an array.More ExamplesExample Iterate directly over the iterator: // Create an Array const fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Apple", "Mango"]; // List the Keys let text = ""; for (let x of fruits.keys()) { ...
使用Object.Keys() 生成对象所有键组成的数组 修改存储在对象中的数组 使用数组存储数据集合 以下是数组(Array)数据结构的最简单的实现例子。这是一个一维数组(one-dimensional array),它只有一层,或者说在它里面没有包含其它的数组结构。它里面包含了布尔值(booleans)、字符串(strings)、数字(numbers)以及一些其他的...
1.使用Array.prototype.forEach()功能 这forEach()方法为每个数组元素执行指定的函数。它可以与Object.keys()或者Object.entries()方法来遍历一个对象。 ⮚Object.keys() 这Object.keys()方法返回给定对象自己的可枚举属性名称的数组。您可以将其用作: ...
iterate(obj) { for (let property in obj) { this.configArray.push({key: property,children: [], isValue: false, value: ''}); if (obj.hasOwnProperty(property)) { const index = Object.keys(obj).indexOf(property); if (typeof obj[property] == "object") { ...
// Return an iterable object that iterates the result of applying f()// to each value from the source iterablefunctionmap(iterable,f){letiterator=iterable[Symbol.iterator]();return{// This object is both iterator and iterable[Symbol.iterator](){returnthis;},next(){letv=iterator.next();if...
usingSystem;usingSystem.Linq;usingSystem.Web.Script.Serialization;namespaceSampleApp{classProgram{staticvoidMain(string[] args){// The object array to serialize.Person[] people =newPerson[] {newPerson() { Name ="Kristen Solstad", Age =15, HomeAddress =newAddress() { Street1 ="123 Palm Ave...
1. Convert array to object in JavaScript To convert an array to an object, you can use thereduce()array method. This method iterates over the array and builds an object with keys and values based on your specified logic. constarrayToConvert=['red','green','blue'];constconvertedObject...