This is a built-in function of JavaScript.This function returns the absolute value of a number. It takes the input parameter and returns the positive value of the number independently of the input. It means if the input parameter is negative, it will return the positive value. ...
| 该运算符与&的区别在于,若任意一个操作数在相应位为1,则结果为1。 // The binary representation of 1 is: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001// The binary representation of 3 is: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000011// ---// The binary representation ...
The JavaScript Number NEGATIVE_INFINITY is a static data property that represents the negative infinity value. The negative infinity value in JavaScript is the same as the negative value of the global "Infinity" property.If you try to access it using x.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, where 'x', is a ...
functioncNumber(sNum){if(sNum===Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {return'-Infinity';}return'provided number is good';}console.log(cNumber(-Number.MAX_VALUE)); 运行代码 创建了一个函数cNumber,它接受参数sNum,如果sNum等于Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,它返回-Infinity。 在这个程序中,当我们运行代码时,if语句...
Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITYNEGATIVE_INFINITY is a property of the JavaScript Number object.You can only use it as Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.Using x.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, where x is a variable, will return undefined:Example let x = 100;x.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; Try it Yourself » SyntaxNumber.NEGATIVE_...
log('The value is a positive number'); } else if (Math.sign(num) === -1) { console.log('The value is a negative number'); } } checkNumberSign(5); // 👉️ The value is a positive number checkNumberSign(-5); // 👉️ The value is a negative number ...
javascript中的最大值保存在Number.MAX_VALUE中,而最小值保存在Number.MIN_VALUE console.log(Number.MIN_VALUE,Number.MAX_VALUE)//5e-324,1.7976931348623157e+308 如果数字超过最大值,javascript会返回Infinity,这称为正向溢出(overflow);如果等于或超过最小负值-1023(即非常接近0),javascript会直接把这个数转为0...
isNaN(x); // 返回 true,因为 x 不是数 typeof NaN; // 返回 "number" 1. 2. 3. 4. 7.Infinity (或 -Infinity)是 JavaScript 在计算数时超出最大可能数范围时返回的值。(无穷大) typeof Infinity; // 返回 "number" 1. 8.JavaScript 会把前缀为 0x 的数值常量解释为十六进制。
isFinite函数用于判断一个数是否为“正常”的数值: print(isFinite(Number.NaN)); // falseprint(isFinite(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); // falseprint(isFinite(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); // false 除了以上3个特殊值外,其他值的结果都为true 假如x是一个普通数值,则有: ...
NaN 属性是代表非数字值的特殊值。该属性用于指示某个值不是数字。可以把 Number 对象设置为该值,来指示其不是数字值。 你可以使用 isNaN() 全局函数来判断一个值是否是 NaN 值。 实例 var x = 1000 / "Apple"; isNaN(x); // 返回 true