这类题目,虽然没有逻辑,但某种程度说,确实考察了候选人对于javascript这门语言的理解。 突然想到这个话题是无聊在翻自己的Github,看看以前都写过什么丑货。然后翻到了这篇解释Javascript quiz的文章quiz-legend,反正没事儿,就想搬过来供大家学习、理解、背诵、批判。 问题一 (function(){ return typeof arguments;/...
PHP Quiz Test 42. What are the different types of JS comments? Whether you are a beginner or someone with experience, knowing the different types of comments in JavaScript is important. It’s because this can be among the top interview questions on JavaScript for freshers and experienced both....
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1687296/what-is-dom-event-delegation请简述JavaScript中的this。JS 中的this是一个相对复杂的概念,不是简单几句能解释清楚的。粗略地讲,函数的调用方式决定了this的值。我阅读了网上很多关于this的文章,Arnav Aggrawal 写的比较清楚。this取值符合以下规则:在...
JavaScript Quiz系列题集03 King 2014-07-02 阅读1 分钟 1 var foo = 1; function bar() { foo = 10; return; function foo() {}//声明提前 } bar(); console.log(foo); //为什么是1而不是10 http://segmentfault.com/q/1010000000598752...
Every lesson is built around animated explanations that walk you through the concepts. You’ll immediately put your understanding to the test with interactive quizzes baked into every lesson. When you get something wrong, you will seewhy. It’s like sitting down with an experienced mentor. ...
接下来的若干题目整理自http://perfectionkills.com/javascript-quiz/ 16. (function(){returntypeofarguments; })();1.“object”2.“array”3.“arguments”4.“undefined” 考点:arguments是类似于数组的对象,访问方式与数组相同 17. varf =functiong(){return23; };typeofg(); ...
JavaScript quiz from Perfection Kills I came acrossthis JavaScript quizon a very cool blog and since I really enjoy solving such problems, I took the quiz. The result was humbling, and I was eager to find out why I got some of the questions wrong. I figured out why each problem behaves...
Javascript is a simple object-oriented programming language to gain deeper insights of it you can read oops interview questions. What did you think of our list of the 27 best JavaScript frameworks for 2024? Leave your comments below to let us know if your favorite JavaScript framework made it...
Multiple-choice questions Small scale, end to end application builds Debugging challenges Algorithmic quizzes Real world sample problems Why are they used Online coding challenges have become increasingly popular over the years, with more and more employers leaning on them to aid their hiring decisions...
If you are a professional developer, you can consider these examples as a great resource for interview questions and quizzes for newcomers in your company. At the same time, these examples would be handy while preparing for the interview. ...