4.表单提交(空格提交的问题)例 4.1(form.submitIEFF.html) <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <script language=javascript> function check() { var form = document.getElementById("regForm"); if (form.user.value == "") { alert("用户名不能为空!
conststr='sunand moon';constregex = /and/;constmatchObj = regex.exec(str);// [ 'and', index: 4, input: 'sun and moon', groups: undefined ]console.log(matchObj); 我们现在可以指定一个 d 正则表达式标志来获取匹配开始和结束的两个索引...
javascript解除禁止input输入框代码: function disable() { document.getElementById("user.name").disabled=""; document.getElementById("user.number").disabled=""; document.getElementById("user.age").disabled=""; document.getElementById("user.sex").disabled=""; document.getElementById("user.score...
Hello everyone and thanks for the help in advance. I am developing a MVC page that accepts input from a handheld QR code scanner. What I would like to accomplish is to allow rapid input by setting the focus of the cursor and then using an onChange… ...
letguesses =0;// for storing the number of guesseslethint ='';// for storing hintletnumber=0;do{// get input from userletinput = prompt(`Please enter a number between${MIN}and${MAX}`+ hint);// get the intege...
ThecustomDataPrefixoption in advanced configurationprovides the user the ability to configure a data attribute prefix to help identify where heart is located within the individual's codebase. The prefix must always be lowercase and start withdata-. For example: ...
git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支35 标签69 Dmitriy Kovalenkov3.2.02133e0d2个月前 711 次提交 提交 .github feat: add getWeek (#673) 2个月前 __tests__ feat: add getWeek (#673) ...
<input type="range" className="time" min="0" step="0.01" max={this.state.allTime} value={this.state.currentTime} onChange={(e) => this.controlAudio('changeCurrentTime', e)} /> <i className={this.state.openMuted ? 'mute' : 'nomute'} ...
<input type="text" data-provide="typeahead"> You'll want to setautocomplete="off"to prevent default browser menus from appearing over the Bootstrap typeahead dropdown. Usage Via data attributes Add data attributes to register an element with typeahead functionality as shown in the example above....