Set the variable to different value and then try... 输出(Output) Qualifies for driving Set the variable to different value and then try... if...else statement: 'if...else'语句是控制语句的下一种形式,它允许JavaScript以更加可控的方式执行语句。 语法(Syntax) if (expression){ Statement(s) ...
Syntax if(condition1) { //block of code to be executed if condition1 is true }elseif(condition2) { //block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and condition2 is true }else{ //block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and condition2 is false ...
You can't provide if-else condition in the return block, make use of ternary block, also this.state will be an object, you shouldn't be comparing it with a value, see which state value you want to check, also return returns only one element, make sure to wrap them in a View render...
}).then(function(data) { // 不受上一级影响 console.log('状态:fulfilled'); // 状态:fulfilled }); 总之,除非Promise.then()方法内部抛出异常或者是明确置为rejected态,否则它返回的Promise的状态都是fulfilled态,即完成态,并且它的状态不受它的上一级的状态的影响。 2.gengerator函数 在异步编程中,还有...
JavaScript if...else if... statementThe if...else if... statement (also called as if...else ladder)is an advanced form of if…else that allows JavaScript to make a correct decision out of several conditions.SyntaxThe syntax of an if-else-if statement is as follows −...
使用三元运算符简化if else条件三元运算符是一种简化if else条件的表达方式。它由三个部分组成:条件表达式、真值表达式和假值表达式。其语法形式为:条件表达式 ? 真值表达式 : 假值表达式。 使用三元运算符可以在一行代码中完成简单的条件判断,提高代码的可读性和简洁性。它适用于只有两种可能结果的条件判断,例如根据某...
The syntax below shows you how you can write an “if ... else if” conditional statement within JavaScript. if (condition) { //Code is ran when above condition is true } else if (condition) { //If the first condition is false and //the above condition is true, then this block will...
const add = (a, b) => { return a + b}; const res = add(1, 2); // 3 // If the syntax is simple, `{}` and `return` can be omitted. It will look neater const minus = (a, b) => a - b; const res1 = minus(3, 1); // 2 函数参数默认值 如果函数参数没有被赋值...
module.exports = factory();}elseif(typeofdefine ==='function'&& define.amd) { define([],factory);}else{ window.eventUtil = factory();}})(this,function(){return{};}); ES6模块化 ES6 模块的设计思想,是尽量的静态化,使得编译时就能...
if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v; } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["require", "exports", "./dependencyModule"], factory); } })(function (require, exports) { "use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; ...