在这种情况下,由于我们使用 && 运算符,if 语句中的两个条件都必须成立才能进入 if 语句。在这里,仅对于数组的数字 20,这两个条件都将成立,因为数字 20 等于20,而且 20%2 将给我们 0 作为输出。或(||) 如果你有多个条件,则 OR (||) 运算符以这种方式工作,并且如果其中任何一个条件为真,则总体结果将为...
}elseif(condition2) { //block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and condition2 is true }else{ //block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and condition2 is false } Example If time is less than 10:00, create a "Good morning" greeting, if not, but...
You can specify as many conditions as you need using the AND or OR (||) operator. When using the OR operator, the code will be run if one of the conditions evaluate totrueas follows: letnum=25;if(num===10||num===25){// true so code below will be executedconsole.log("Number i...
You start by checking if a particular condition is met. If that condition hasn’t been met, you can check if another condition is met. Finally, if none of the previous conditions are met, you can use the else statement to run additional code. Below is an example of how you would wri...
Why? It creates a version of the function that executes in the context of this, which is usually what you want, and is a more concise syntax. Why not? If you have a fairly complicated function, you might move that logic out into its own named function expression. // bad [1, 2, 3...
等待任务执行的逻辑,大部分情况下需要使用到 Task.WhenAll 方法,代码行数不少。另外,在需要获取多个...
If you're using multi-line blocks with if and else, put else on the same line as your if block's closing brace. // bad if (test) { thing1(); thing2(); } else { thing3(); } // good if (test) { thing1(); thing2(); } else { thing3(); }⬆...
// badvara =1;varb =2;// goodconsta =1;constb =2; 2.2如果你必须重新赋值你的引用, 使用let代替var。 eslint:no-var 为什么?let是块级作用域,而不像var是函数作用域. // badvarcount =1;if(true) { count +=1; }// good, use the let.letcount =1;if(true) { ...
This section only applies to Interactive Server components, but client-side components may also set JS interop timeouts if conditions warrant it.In server-side apps with server interactivity, JavaScript (JS) interop may fail due to networking errors and should be treated as unreliable. Blazor apps...
For example, if it is an ASPX (ASP.NET) page, the server will execute all code on the page (2). After all the server-side scripts are processed, the result is sent back to the browser (3). The result is a page that has HTML and CSS code, and optionally, client-side scripting ...