onUploadstarted:function(uploadInfo) {if(Uploadmethod1) {if(!uploadInfo.videoId)// No error occurred during file upload.{// Call the CreateUploadVideo operation in your environment.uploader.setUploadAuthAndAddress(uploadInfo, uploadAuth, uploadAddress,videoId); }else// If the videoId parameter...
("pszCaption");// The open and save dialogs use the same function// When we hit the open dialog, continue.// When we hit the save dialog, break.if(host.memory.readWideString(address) =="Open") {// host.diagnostics.debugLog("We're opening, let's continue!\n");ctl.ExecuteCommand...
//login.microsoftonline.com/common",redirectUri:"http://localhost:3000/", },cache: {cacheLocation:"sessionStorage",// This configures where your cache will be storedstoreAuthStateInCookie:false,// Set this to "true" if you are having issues on IE11 or Edge} };constmyMSALObj =newMsal....
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CancelDelete https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/jscodeshift https://github.com/benjamn/ast-types https://github.com/benjamn/recast 203 Comments No comments Let's comment your feelings that are more than good
dropIndex(indexName, {"force": true}); if (! result.dropped ) { throw `Could not drop SODA index ${indexName}`; } } SodaCollection.dropIndex()は、単一のフィールドdroppedを含む結果オブジェクトを戻します。索引が削除された場合、その値はtrueで、それ以外の場合はfalseです。どちらの...
言語機能条件付きcatch句GraalVM JavaScriptでは、js.syntax-extensionsオプションが有効な場合、条件付きcatch句がサポートされます:コピー try { myMethod(); // can throw } catch (e if e instanceof TypeError) { print("TypeError caught"); } catch (e) { print("another Error caught"); } ...
if(++counter>99){ clearInterval(timerId) } },100) ▼ このコードでやっていること 処理を100ミリ秒間隔で呼び出し 100回を越えたら定期実行停止 ちなみに setIntervalで実行する処理が実行間隔(ここでは100ミリ秒)より長い場合、次の実行は現在の実行が終わるのを待たずに実行されるようです...
create function if not exists string_to_JSON_inline_example( "inputString" varchar2 ) return JSON as mle language javascript q'~ if ( inputString === undefined ) { throw `must provide a string in the form of key1=value1;...;keyN=valueN`; } let myObject = {}; if ( inputString...
(UserContext); if (context === undefined){throw new Error('useUserContext must be within UserProvider'); } return context; }; type UserProviderType ={children: ReactNode; } export const UserProvider = ({children }: UserProviderType) =>{const [userId, setUserId] = useState('M...