精度约1ms(需通过其它API配合) 三:High-Resolution Timer 这种方法就使用了CPU的RTC QueryPerformanceCounter() 配合 QueryPerformanceFrequency(),适用于高精度应用场合 参见:http://www2.matrix.org.cn/thread.shtml?topicId=10491&forumId=1&fid=1 --- 也就是说,如果JavaScript的new Date()采用getTickCount()来...
精度约1ms(需通过其它API配合) 三:High-Resolution Timer 这种方法就使用了CPU的RTC QueryPerformanceCounter() 配合 QueryPerformanceFrequency(),适用于高精度应用场合 参见:http://www2.matrix.org.cn/thread.shtml?topicId=10491&forumId=1&fid=1 --- 也就是说,如果JavaScript的new Date()采用getTickCount()来...
Additional navigation options master 22Branches11Tags Code README Apache-2.0 license marky JavaScript timer based onperformance.mark()andperformance.measure(), providinghigh-resolution timingsas well as nice Dev Tools visualizations. For browsers that don't supportperformance.mark(), it falls back tope...
精度约1ms(需通过其它API配合) 三:High-Resolution Timer 这种方法就使用了CPU的RTC QueryPerformanceCounter() 配合 QueryPerformanceFrequency(),适用于高精度应用场合 参见:http://www2.matrix.org.cn/thread.shtml?topicId=10491&forumId=1&fid=1 --- 也就是说,如果JavaScript的new Date()采用getTickCount()来...
John Resign有三篇关于Timer性能与准确性的文章: 1.Accuracy of JavaScript Time, 2.Analyzing Timer Performance, 3.How JavaScript Timers Work。从文章中可以看到Timer在不同平台浏览器与操作系统下的一些问题。 再退一步说,假设timer resolution能够达到16.7ms,并且假设异步函数不会被延后,使用timer控制的动画还是...
To achieve better results, it is recommended to utilize the High Resolution Time , which is also known aswindow.performance.now(). When compared to the conventionalDate.getTime(),now()offers two significant advantages. The variable now() is a double that indicates the millisecond count ...
Let now be the current high resolution time. [HRT] Report the task's duration by performing the following steps: ... 以下省略 注意,microtask queue 不是 task queue。task queue 不是队列,因为它不是先进先出的。从第一步可以看出从 task queue 中取出的任务并不一定是最先进入 task queue 的任务。
High Resolution Time(HRT) is a JavaScript interface providing the current time in sub-millisecond resolution that isn’t subject to system clock skews or user adjustments. Think of it as a way to measure more precisely than we’ve previously had withnew DateandDate.now(). This is helpful wh...
Recently a high resolution timer was added by the WebPerf Working Group to allow measurement in the Web Platform with much greater degree of accuracy. Unfortunately, these timers became an attack vector for both Spectre and Meltdown and have since had their reolution reduced drastically (down to...
In modern browsers we can use the high resolution timer and in older browsers fallback to using a Date object:function timestamp() { return window.performance && window.performance.now ? window.performance.now() : new Date().getTime(); }, ...