} Everything is working fine. But I want to highlight single point in graph.I tried using plot.highlight(seriesIndex,dataPoint); I did plot.highlight(0,99);0- I have just single series.99- I am plotting100points and lets sayforexample I want to highlight 99th point. No error on ...
Rickshaw 可以让你创建交互的时间序列图(interactive time series graphs)。它依赖于 D3 可视化库,并需要一些像扩展,如 jQuery 和 jQuery UI。 jqPlot 这是一个基于 jQuery 框架绘图制表的插件。jqPlot 可以创建各种特色的线形图(line)、条形图(bar)、饼图(pie)。 RGraph 它是HTML5 JS 图表库,拥有超过 20 种...
13. JSXGraph JSXGraph is a cross-browser library for interactive geometry, function plotting, charting, and data visualization in a web browser. It is implemented completely in JavaScript, does not rely on any other library, and uses SVG, VML, or canvas. JSXGraph is easy to embed and has ...
vardata={labels:['Bananas','Apples','Grapes'],series:[20,15,40]};varoptions={labelInterpolationFnc:function(value){returnvalue[0]}};varresponsiveOptions=[['screen and (min-width: 640px)',{chartPadding:30,labelOffset:130,labelDirection:'explode',labelInterpolationFnc:function(value){returnvalue...
RGraph 它是HTML5 JS 图表库,拥有超过 20 种类型的图表。利用最新 HTML5 canvas 标签,这个工具可在 Web 浏览器上生成 JavaScript 图表,这意味着更快的网页加载和更少的 Web 服务器负载。 Dygraphs 这是一个很不错的开源 JS 库,能够创建交互的、可缩放的时间序列图。它可以显示密集的数据集(dense data sets...
nv.addGraph(function() { var chart = nv.models.lineChart() .margin({left: 100}) //Adjust chart margins to give the x-axis some breathing room. .useInteractiveGuideline(true) //We want nice looking tooltips and a guideline! .transitionDuration(350) //how fast do you want the lines ...
Cytoscape.js is an open source, fully featured graphing library, written purely in JavaScript. It’s free under LGPL3+ license. It is highly optimised and has no external dependencies. Cytoscape.js lets you create a reusable graph widget that can be integrated with your own JavaScript code. ...
series:[20,15,40] }; varoptions={ labelInterpolationFnc:function(value){ returnvalue[0] } }; varresponsiveOptions=[ ['screen and (min-width: 640px)',{ chartPadding:30, labelOffset:130, labelDirection:'explode', labelInterpolationFnc:function(value){ ...
JSXGraph is a cross-browser library for interactive geometry, function plotting, charting, and data visualization in a web browser. It is implemented completely in JavaScript, does not rely on any other library, and uses SVG, VML, or canvas. JSXGraph is easy to embed and has a small foot...
gRapha?l 虽然Raphael.js是一个用来创建SVG的类库,它并不是用来处理大量数据集的。相反gRapha?是用来处理这样类型数据的。对于一个10KB数据,gRapha?l被证明是一个非常不错的Raphael扩展。虽然它没有使用forece-driven算法来开发,也没有包含任何物理属性,gRapha?l仍旧是一个在跨SVG结构兼容解决方案中非常值得尊重的...