To get URL parameter values by name in JavaScript, use the following code snippet. /*** This function JavascriptgetURLParameterValues* takes parameter name and url* as parmaters and returns parameter value* @parameter {String} parameterName* @parameter {String} url* (if url is not passed ...
functiongetUrlParameter(strParame){varargs =newObject( );varquery =;varpairs = query.split("&");for(vari = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {varpos = pairs[i].indexOf('=');if(pos == -1)continue;varargname = pairs[i].substring(0,pos);varvalue = pairs[...
id=77&name=sree Here is the function to create the Javascript object with parameter names and values. functiongetUrlParams(){varparams={};[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi,function(str,key,value){params[key]=value;});returnparams;} In the above code, “w...
2. Javascript get specific url parameter (How to get url parameter value in javascript) (1) Implementation process First get the URL of the currently visited webpage through "document.location", and secondly use "split" method to divide the URL into two parts by "?". If there are paramet...
$(document).ready(function () { // Get the URI decoded URLs. hostweburl = decodeURIComponent( getQueryStringParameter("SPHostUrl") ); // The js files are in a URL in the form: // web_url/_layouts/15/resource_file var scriptbase = hostweburl + "/_layouts/15/"; // Load the ...
其中一个就是 SPHostUrl,顾名思义这是主机 Web URL。 加载项需要获取此信息,才能向主机 Web 数据发出调用。因此,在 Add-in.js 文件顶部附近的 scheduledItems 变量声明下方添加以下代码行。 JavaScript 复制 var hostWebURL = decodeURIComponent(getQueryStringParameter("SPHostUrl")); 关于此代码,请注意以下...
Use the object rest parameter syntax to get a new object with certain properties omitted. eslint: prefer-object-spread // very bad const original = { a: 1, b: 2 }; const copy = Object.assign(original, { c: 3 }); // this mutates `original` ಠ_ಠ delete copy.a; // so ...
_paq.push(['API_method_name',parameter_list]); 您还可以推送要执行的函数。例如: 代码语言:javascript 复制 varvisitor_id;_paq.push([function(){visitor_id=this.getVisitorId();}]); 或者例如,使用异步代码获取自定义变量(名称、值): 代码语言:javascript ...