// 获取文件后缀名 function getFileExtension(file) { var regexp = /\.([0-9a-z]+)(?:[\?#]|$)/i; var extension = file.match(regexp); return extension && extension[1]; } console.log(getFileExtension("https://www.example.com:8080/path/name/foo")); console.log(getFileExtension("ht...
适用的HTTP方法,一般为 GET。 url string 是 文件下载 URL。 size number 文件大小,单位Byte。 saveFileContent 方法 保存内容到文件, 或者新建文件。 传入相同文件ID会覆盖,不传文件ID,会被认为是新文件,将根据 check_name_mode 参数执行相应的策略。check_name_mode 默认是 'refuse'。 const result = await ...
How to get file extension for a HTTPPostedFile prior to saving How to get files from server directory? How to get first 2 character from string in ASP.NET How to get Folder browse dialog in asp.net? How to Get Folder Path and Put it in A Label how to get folder path when select ...
describe('api', function() { describe('GET /api/users', function() { it('respond with an array of users', function() { // ... }); }); }); describe('app', function() { describe('GET /users', function() { it('respond with an array of users', function() { // ... }...
*/ function getValue(key) { return OfficeRuntime.storage.getItem(key); } 對話方塊 API自訂函數有自己的對話方塊 API,因為它們無法存取 Office.js API。 不過,功能很類似。 最常見的案例是啟動對話方塊以讓使用者登入,並接收安全性權杖。下列程式碼範例顯示如何顯示自訂函數的 Web 對話方塊。
Check out our FAQs and get answers to common questions: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions Talk to us on Matrix: https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#pdfjs:mozilla.org File an issue: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/issues/new/choose ...
// containerClient: ContainerClient object// blobName: string, includes file extension if provided// fileContentsAsString: blob contentasyncfunctionuploadBlobFromString(containerClient, blobName, fileContentsAsString){// Create blob client from container clientconstblockBlobClient = containerClient.getBloc...
I can use $.evalFile(file) if I fully qualify the file to run. i.e. $.evalFile("C:/temp/name.js"); But I want to run the file based on the location of the currently running javascript. I cannot seem to find a way to get access to the DOM object to determine anything. I ...
Terser can generate a source map file, which is highly useful for debugging your compressed JavaScript. To get a source map, pass --source-map --output output.js (source map will be written out to output.js.map). Additional options: --source-map "filename='<NAME>'" to specify the na...
// Get the file extension of the original imagevar fileExtension = app.activeDocument.name.split(".").pop().toLowerCase();// Compose the new file namevar newName = dstFolder.fsName + "/" + app.activeDocument.name.split(".")[0] + "_resized." + fileExtension;...