BroswerUtil={//检测浏览器版本getBrowserVersion:function() {varagent =navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();vararr =[];varBrowser = "";varBversion = "";varverinNum = "";//IEif(agent.indexOf("msie") > 0) {varregStr_ie = /msie [\d.]+;/gi; Browser= "IE"; Bversion= "" +agent.m...
* Executes the given JavaScript code in the browser. * * @param script * The JavaScript code to run. */ publicstaticvoideval(Stringscript){ getCurrent().execute(script); } 代码示例来源:origin: viritin/viritin publicstaticvoidsetCookie(Stringkey,Stringvalue,Stringpath){ JavaScript.getCurrent(...
browser.get('') input = browser.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, 'logo-image') print(input) 运行结果如下: <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="278b608e46fa3c124a3fa7867b93a34e", element="8b49c4ec-73bc-4176-948f-3a735fd84e55")> 1. 2. 3...
browser.get('') # 获取cookie print(f'Cookies的值:{browser.get_cookies()}') # 添加cookie browser.add_cookie({'name':'才哥', 'value':'帅哥'}) print(f'添加后Cookies的值:{browser.get_cookies()}') # 删除cookie browser.delete_all_cookies() print(f'删除后...
jQuery provides a convenient, browser-agnostic hook that will execute code as soon as the HTML DOM is ready, but without waiting for all page resources to load: Copy $(document).ready(function() { // Hookup event handlers and execute HTML DOM-related code }); We can refactor our ...
BOM,即浏览器对象模型(Browser Object Model),是JavaScript与浏览器之间的接口,它允许JavaScript与浏览器进行交互,实现访问和控制浏览器窗口、文档和其他浏览器功能的功能。本文将详细介绍BOM的各个方面,包括窗口对象、定时器、历史记录、位置信息等,并提供示例代码来帮助您更好地理解和运用BOM。
It also assumes you are installing shims/polyfills in your app, with airbnb-browser-shims or the equivalent.This guide is available in other languages too. See TranslationOther Style GuidesES5 (Deprecated) React CSS-in-JavaScript CSS & Sass Ruby...
In this unit, you set up an example JavaScript file for your web page. In it, you create a button to switch between light and dark themes. Then, you attach the button to JavaScript code that performs the actual theme switching. Finally, you check the finished project using your browser'...
document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML = date; Save the code as an HTML file and open it using a browser. The object shows the current date, time, and timezone. The sections below show the methods for obtaining the individual date and time elements. Use the Get Method to Show...
const sendMessageId = document.getElementById("sendmessageid"); if (sendMessageId) { sendMessageId.onclick = function() { // do something }; } In the onclick event, find the current browser tab. Then, use the chrome.tabs.sendmessage Extension API to send a message to that ...