functiondeleteCookie(name, path, domain) { if(getCookie(name)) { document.cookie = name +"="+ ((path) ?"; path="+ path :"") + ((domain) ?"; domain="+ domain :"") + "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT"; } } // utility function called by getCookie() functionget...
functiondeleteCookie(name, path, domain) { if(getCookie(name)) { document.cookie = name +"="+ ((path) ?"; path="+ path :"") + ((domain) ?"; domain="+ domain :"") + "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT"; } } // utility function called by getCookie() functionget...
The function sets a cookie by adding together the cookiename, the cookie value, and the expires string. A Function to Get a Cookie Then, we create afunctionthat returns the value of a specified cookie: Example functiongetCookie(cname) { ...
(X) 4. cookie当浏览器关闭的时候失效 。(X) 5. 在HTML文档中 ,每个标签都可以有一个name属性 ,name属性的值不是 唯一的 。(V) 6. HTML的节点层次是一个树形结构 。(V) 7. 结合CSS类型选择器 ,可以实现批量改变元素样式的效果 。(V) 8. Document对象可用于检索浏览器窗口中的HTML文挡的信息 。(V...
GetCookie (pName) Returns the value of cookie name (pName). Return Value Not applicable. Parameters pName (String) SetCookie (pName,pValue) Sets a cookie (pName) to a specified value (pValue). Return Value Not applicable. Parameters ...
1、getElementById(ID) 获取对应id的对象 divValue var div=document.getElementById('div') console.log(div.innerText) //divValue 1. 2. 3. 2、getElementsByTagName(tagName) 获取指定标签名的所有对象,返回数组 divValue divValue1 divValue2 var div=document.getElementsBy...
Cookies.get('name')// => 'value'Cookies.get('nothing')// => undefined Read all visible cookies: Cookies.get()// => { name: 'value' } Note: It is not possible to read a particular cookie by passing one of the cookie attributes (which may or may not have been used when writing...
document.cookie 文档的 cookie document.URL 文档的 URl document.referrer 返回使浏览器到达当前文档的 URL Document 对象方法 document.getElementById() 通过 id 获取元素 document.getElementsByTagName() 通过标签名获取 元素 documnet.getElementsByClassName() 通过 class 获取元素 ...
storeBox.deleteCookie('name');constmyNmaeCookie=storeBox.getCookie('name');console.log('我已把name这个cookie删了::',myNmaeCookie); 3.5 设置localStorage 代码语言:javascript 复制 storeBox.setLocalstorage('today','星期一',1000*6); 3.6 获取localStorage的值 ...
Cookies.get()// => { name: 'value' } Note: It is not possible to read a particular cookie by passing one of the cookie attributes (which may or may not have been used when writing the cookie in question): Cookies.get('foo',{domain:''})// `domain` won't have ...