Functional coding interview questions have a nice property: you can show your work by first expressing what you are trying to achieve in plain English, then writing an unit test, and then coding the solution. The result as you can see is almost 1 to 1 mapping from plain Englis...
By presenting the candidates with this question, managers can gauge how well a candidate is familiar with basic JavaScript functions and array manipulation.I would use the following functions to find the smallest and largest numbers in the array. function findMinMax(arr) { let min = Math.min...
// BUT:const anotherObject = {a: 'abacaba',b: '!'};anotherObject.doStuff = myObject.doStuff;anotherObject.doStuff(); // abacaba! // Arrow functions do not have their own this and refer to the outer one:const arrowObject = {a: 'b'...
The callback is a function in JavaScript. Its role is to work as an argument by getting passed to other functions. When it is passed to the other functions, those functions will also have the argument executed. Since it is passed in functions to call back the arguments in more functions ...
How many types of functions JavaScript supports? JavaScript中的函数可以命名或匿名。 How to define a anonymous function? 可以使用与普通函数类似的方式定义匿名函数,但是它没有任何名称。 Can you assign a anonymous function to a variable? 是!可以将匿名函数分配给变量。
Function Declaration : Functions with specified parameters. Syntax :function name (parameterA, parameterB,….) { Statement block } 2. Function Expression : When ‘function’ I used to define a function within a function. Syntax : const myfunc=function[NAME] ...
题目来自25 Essential JavaScript Interview Questions。闲来无事,正好切一下。 一# What is a potential pitfall with usingtypeof bar === "object"to determine if bar is an object? How can this pitfall be avoided? 老生常谈的问题,用typeof是否能准确判断一个对象变量,答案是否定的,null的结果也是 obj...
Functional Programming Pros:Using the functional paradigm, programmersavoid any shared state or side-effects, which eliminates bugs caused by multiple functions competing for the same resources. With features such as the availability ofpoint-free style (aka tacit programming),functions tend to be radica...
函数式编程(即:闭包(closure),一类函数(first class functions),lambda 函数:箭头函数)。 面试减分项 连范式都不知道,更别提什么原型 OO(prototypal oo)或者函数式编程了。 深入了解 The Two Pillars of JavaScript Part 1:JS 两大支柱之一:原型 OO
Lodash/Underscore, with the most famous beingdebounceandthrottle. However, Lodash's implementation is extremely over-engineered — reusing a lot of abstract functions and supporting weird and obscure use cases for older browsers; you're not expected to handle such edge cases within an interview ...