JAVASCRIPT NAMING CONVENTIONS: FUNCTION(函数) JavaScript functions are written in camel case too. In addition, it's a best practice to actually tellwhat the function is doingby giving the function name a verb as prefix. JavaScript 函数命名也是采用 camel case 形式。与此同时,通过增加动词前缀来描述...
// badfunctionuserProfile(user){return(First Name: {user.firstName}Last Name: {user.lastName});} // goodfunctionUserProfile(user){return(First Name: {user.firstName}Last Name: {user.lastName});} 当一个组件被使用时,它区别于原生 HTML 和web 组件,因为...
// bad function processInput(input) { return [left, right, top, bottom]; } // 调用者需要考虑返回数据的顺序 const [left, __, top] = processInput(input); // good function processInput(input) { return { left, right, top, bottom }; } // 调用者只选择他们需要的数据 const { left, ...
Naming globals with all caps can reinforce the practice of minimizing their number and can make them easily distinguishable. use an underscore prefix to denote a private method or property. varperson ={ getName:function() {returnthis._getFirst() + ' ' +this._getLast(); }, _getFirst:func...
符合规范的命名 Comply with naming conventions 用小驼峰形式命名 Use (lower) camelCase 第一个字母小写,剩下的每个单词的首字母大写。 常量可以采用全大写的形式,但普通的const修饰的变量不应该大写 Capitalize constant values (if you want) 代码语言:javascript ...
The naming conventions for the parameters follow the same rules as naming a variable in JavaScript. As JavaScript is a dynamically typed scripting language, a function parameter can have a value of any data type. Inside the function, all the parameters behave as a local variable. ...
functionsum(x, y) {//不推荐写法: 隐式全局变量result = x +y;returnresult; } 此段代码中的result没有声明。代码照样运作正常,但在调用函数后你最后的结果就多一个全局命名空间,这可以是一个问题的根源。 经验法则是始终使用var声明变量,正如改进版的sum()函数所演示的: ...
命名规则 Naming Conventions 避免使用单字母名称。使你的命名具有描述性。 eslint: id-length // bad function q() { // ... } // good function query() { // ... } 当命名对象,函数和实例时使用驼峰式命名。 eslint: camelcase jscs: requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers ...
Javascript Variable Naming Conventionswhat is java script
• Is there a naming convention for MySQL? • What is the javascript filename naming convention? • REST URI convention - Singular or plural name of resource while creating it • What is the standard naming convention for html/css ids and classes? • What are naming conventions for ...