JavaScript for Web designersMarquis, Mat; Hogan, LaraMat Marquis
Read JavaScript for Web Designers by Mat Marquis online. A detailed yet approachable tour around this essential language: pick up syntax rules, the fundamentals of scripting, and much more.
To clarify things better, Google introduced theAMP(Accelerated Mobile Pages) project, so that websites would be able to deliver a betterUXacross various mobile WebPages, but without JavaScript optimized for AMP, there would be little to no results on the loading speed of AMP.Top 10 Tech Skill...
Mat MarquisJavaScript for Web Designers foreword byLara Hogan A detailed yet approachable tour around this essential language: pick up syntax rules, the fundamentals of scripting, and much more. Get this book Please reach out tothis book’s authorto inquire about availability. ...
一个通过HTML5 FILE API提供了并发的,稳定的和可恢复的上传的javascript库。 18)breezejs 19)handlebarsjs 20)revealjs 这个工具简化了html的演示. 原文地址:
A minimalist microsite or a one day workshop for webdesigners. Focus on clean typography, esponsive layout, neat scroll effect.[gallery] SOTD / SCORE→ 7.15/ 10 Evaluation System Design40% Usability30% Creativity20% Content10% 7.25 / 10...
Jeremy Keith 国际知名的Web设计师,Web标准项目组成员,DOM Scripting任务组负责人之一,任职于Web咨询公司Clearleft。除本书外,还著有HTML5 for Web Designers、Bulletproof Ajax。可通过其个人网站adactio.com与他联系。 Jeffrey Sambells 资深平面设计师,Web开发人员,创办了软件公司We-Create并担任研发总监。除本书外...
Jeremy Keith,国际知名的Web设计师,Web标准项目组成员,DOM Scripting任务组负责人之一,任职于Web咨询公司Clearleft。除本书外,还著有HTML5 for Web Designers、Bulletproof Ajax。可通过其个人网站adactio-com与他联系。Jeffrey Sambells,资深平面设计师,Web开发人员,创办了软件公司We-Create并担任研发总监。除本...
Jeremy Keith 国际知名的Web设计师,Web标准项目组成员,DOM Scripting任务组负责人之一,任职于Web咨询公司Clearleft。除该书外,还著有HTML5 for Web Designers、Bulletproof Ajax。可通过其个人网站adactio.com与他联系。Jeffrey Sambells 资深平面设计师,Web开发人员,创办了软件公司We-Create并担任研发总监。除该书...