下面的示例代码演示了提取PDF内容,并在浏览器中控制台日志中输出: ‘use strict’; var pdf = PDFJS.getDocument('http://www.pacer.gov/documents/pacermanual.pdf'); var pdf = PDFJS.getDocument('pacermanual.pdf'); pdf.then(function(pdf) { var maxPages = pdf.pdfInfo.numPages; for (var j =...
How do I use JavaScript in PDF-XChange Editor? Answer: The JavaScript Console can be used to add JavaScript to documents in PDF-XChange Editor. JavaScript is a high-level programming language that can be used to perform a range of operations. See here for an index of existing JavaScript...
下面的示例代码演示了提取PDF内容,并在浏览器中控制台日志中输出: ‘use strict’;varpdf = PDFJS.getDocument('http://www.pacer.gov/documents/pacermanual.pdf');varpdf = PDFJS.getDocument('pacermanual.pdf'); pdf.then(function(pdf) {varmaxPages =pdf.pdfInfo.numPages;for(varj =1; j <= maxPa...
3. 嵌入PDF文件转换成HTML文件(PDFObject : Embeds PDF files into HTML documents) 一个JavaScript库将嵌入PDF文件转换成HTML文件. 4.Google文档查看器jQuery插件(Google Docs Viewer plugin for jQuery) 谷歌文档查看器是一个可嵌入的基于浏览器的浏览器,只需要一个URL的文件可在网上。这巧妙地绕过了需要为用户在...
6. jsPDF : Generate PDF files using pure client-side JavaScript It is an open-source library written by our lead developer, James, for generating PDF documents using nothing but JavaScript. You can use it in a Firefox extension, in Server Side JavaScript and with Data URIs in some browsers...
This is my first project - I need to do some automation for a few PDF documents that share the same data. var oDoc = app.openDoc({cPath:"C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/1.pdf",bHidden:true});var v = oDoc.getField("Text1").value;this.getField("Text1").v...
使用javascript实现word转pdf 最近升级公司内部系统发文章的功能,涉及到将文章内容导出为html、word、pdf,系统多用于IE环境下,并且公司电脑都预装了office,所以导出暂时采用客户端的方式。 页面基本结构: 客户端导出测试 function exportHtml { } function exportWord() { } function ...
For all of these behaviours, PDF forms technology relies on JavaScript. Adobe Acrobat defines a set of custom JavaScript objects which deal with specifics of the Acrobat Viewer and PDF documents. These custom JavaScript objects collectively form the Acrobat Document Object Model (DOM) which allow ...
For all of these behaviours, PDF forms technology relies on JavaScript. Adobe Acrobat defines a set of custom JavaScript objects which deal with specifics of the Acrobat Viewer and PDF documents. These custom JavaScript objects collectively form the Acrobat Document Object Model (DOM) which allow ...
The JavaScript PDF Viewer control supports different internal and external navigations. Navigation documentation Bookmark navigation Bookmarks saved in PDF files are loaded and made ready for easy navigation. Navigate within the PDF file of the topics bookmarked already. ...