Supply a class name as a string. (optional) Supply a node. This can be obtained bygetElementById, or simply by just throwing in "document" (it will be document if don't supply a node)). It's mainly useful if you know your parent and you don't want to loop through the entire D...
1.Document 对象中提供了以下获取 Element 元素对象的函数 getElementById():根据id属性值获取,返回单个Element对象 getElementsByTagName():根据标签名称获取,返回Element对象数组 getElementsByName():根据name属性值获取,返回Element对象数组 getElementsByClassName():根据class属性值获取,返回Element对象数组 document.query...
#1 element.children The first way to get the child elements is with the element.children. If you want to check out what kind of properties the DOM Element Object has for you, check it onW3schools. That is btw one of my favorite websites to check JavaScript example’s & documentation. J...
原生的JS获取ID为test的元素下的子元素。 var test1 = docuemnt.getElementById("test").getElementsByTagName("div"); 1. 这样是没有问题的,此时test1.length=2; 但是如果我们换另一种方法: var test2 =document.getElementById("test").childNodes; 1. 此时test2.length在IE浏览器中没问题,其依旧等于2...
2)find() 传入选择器:得到匹配选择器的后代元素 传入jQuery、HTMLElement、HTMLElement[] 得到结果集内所有元素的后代元素与参数对象对应元素的交集 2、获取祖先元素 1)offsetParent() 返回祖先元素中第一个其position设为relative或者absolute的元素。 此方法仅对可见元素有效 ...
return element; } // good /** * make() returns a new element * based on the passed-in tag name */ function make(tag) { // ... return element; }18.4 Prefixing your comments with FIXME or TODO helps other developers quickly understand if you’re pointing out a problem that needs ...
Indirectly, this approach allows child components to interact with the parent's element reference.HTML Copy .red { color: red } HTML Copy function setElementClass(element, className) { var myElement = element; myElement.classList.add(className); } Note For general guidance on JS loca...
5 if(child.classList.contains("hlt")){ 6 console.log(child); 7 } 8 } Find a Descendant of the Current Element You are probably already familiar with the querySelector() and querySelectorAll() methods that can be called on the Document object. These methods allow you...
4、如果是,向父元素执行追加操作,就是appendChild(newElement) 5、如果不是,向目标元素的之后的紧接着的节点之前执行inserBefore()操作 */varparentElement=targetElement.parentNode;//find parent elementif(parentElement.lastChild==targetElement)//To determime确定,下决心 whether the last element of the paren...