经试验后发现,这些新属性在许多浏览器与输入法的组合中都无法通过onKeyDown正确获取,在 Windows 下部分中文输入法甚至都无法支持event.key属性。为了达到最大的兼容性,在兜底的方法下,仅能用event.keyCode这种已经被 deprecated 的方法来勉强替代使用了。 兜底方案的使用问题就此解决了吗?并没有。中文拼音的输入中间字...
event.which and event.keyCode aredeprecatedin modern browsers. Use.keyor.codeinstead. This is the description we have created. Think it can be improved?PR us on GitHub Event Dump { "key": "Escape", "keyCode": 27, "which": 27, "code": "Escape", "location": 0, "description": "esc...
47 event.which and event.keyCode aredeprecatedin modern browsers. Use.keyor.codeinstead. Event Dump { "key": "Help", "description": "help", "keyCode": 47, "which": 47, "unicode": "⍰", "path": "/help" } Unicode ⍰
event.charCode, event.keyCode, event.which - now considered deprecated (though sometimes better supported) Since 2017ish[5]you can useevent.key(with some footnotes) As such, if you use a javascript library, see if it normalizes that muck and makes your life easier. ...
keyCode {number} 键值 event {KeyEvent} 事件 当有按键被按下或弹起时会触发该事件。 例如: auto(); events.observeKey(); events.on("key", function(keyCode, event){ //处理按键事件 }); 其中监听器的参数KeyCode包括: keys.home 主页键 keys.back 返回键 keys.menu 菜单键 keys.volume_up 音量上键...
根据MDN,我们绝对 不 应该使用 .keyCode 属性。它已被弃用: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyCode 在W3 学校,这个事实被淡化了,只有一个旁注说 .keyCode 只是为了兼容性而提供,最新版本的 DOM 事件规范建议使用 .key 财产代替。 问题是浏览器不支持 .key ,那么我们应该使用...
}[event.key] callback?.() The properties.keyCodeand.whichare no longer in use as they have been deprecated. "w", "a", "s", "d"for direction, useevent.code To cater to users with non-qwerty/English keyboard layouts, it is recommended to utilizeevent.codeinstead. This will ensure tha...
ts-keycode-enum A TypeScript enum definition that maps human-friendly key names to JavaScript key codes Important note event.whichandevent.keyCodehave been deprecated. It is recommended to instead useevent.keyin combination with this very similar module:ts-key-enum. ...
keyCode Returns the Unicode character code of the key that triggered the onkeypress event, or the Unicode key code of the key that triggered the onkeydown or onkeyup event KeyboardEvent keys() Returns a Array Iteration Object, containing the keys of the original array Array lang Sets or return...
The complete list can be found at http://api.jquery.com/category/events/event-object/. Solution 2: Try this- var ctrlKey = false; window.onkeydown = function(e) { if(e.keyCode == 17) { ctrlKey = true; } }; window.onkeyup = function(e) { ...