1.1、闭包相关的问题 请在页面中放10个div,每个div中放入字母a-j,当点击每一个div时显示索引号,如第1个div显示0,第10个显示9;方法:找到所有的div,for循环绑定事件。 示例代码: 代码语言:javascript 复制 <!DOCTYPEhtml><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>闭包</title><style type="text/css">d...
rows[y][x]; if (tile == "empty") continue; let screenX = (x - left) * scale; let screenY = (y - top) * scale; let tileX = tile == "lava" ? scale : 0; this.cx.drawImage(otherSprites, tileX, 0, scale, scale, screenX, screenY, scale, scale); } } }; 非空的瓦片通...
length === 0) throw Error('empty string'); //处理为0的情况 if (str === "NaN" || str === "Infinity" || str === "+Infinity" || str === "-Infinity") return ZERO; //处理只有两个参数的情况 if (typeof unsigned === 'number') { // For goog.math.long compatibility radix ...
}ObserverList.prototype.Add =function(obj ){returnthis.observerList.push( obj ); };ObserverList.prototype.Empty =function(){this.observerList = []; };ObserverList.prototype.Count =function(){returnthis.observerList.length; };ObserverList.prototype.Get =function(index ){if( index > -1 && in...
答案:A 只有8 种 falsy 值: undefined null NaN false '' (empty string) 0 -0 0n (BigInt(0)) Function 构造函数,比如 new Number 和new Boolean,是 truthy。 36. 输出是什么? console.log(typeof typeof 1) A: "number" B: "string" C: "object" D: "undefined" 答案 答案:B typeof ...
1 Hide div if another Div is empty 0 javascript to hide a div if empty 1 hide a div if empty with jquery 0 Hide div A if div B is empty 1 How can I hide div if it is empty? 7 Hide div, if the div is empty 0 hide div if other div is empty in jquery Hot Netwo...
It defaults to no referrer (which reflects as the empty string). contentType affects the value read from document.contentType, as well as how the document is parsed: as HTML or as XML. Values that are not a HTML MIME type or an XML MIME type will throw. It defaults to "text/html"...
isEmptyObject(obj = {}) --> true copyToClipboard(str) 将字符串复制到剪贴板 接受一个 string 作为参数 formatMoney(val) 金钱格式化,三位加逗号 接受一个 Number formatFileSize(fileSize) B 转换到 KB,MB,GB 并保留两位小数 参数接受一个 b 字节 为单位的值 ...
log(newArray2); // 输出: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] // 合并空数组 const emptyArray = []; const newArray3 = array1.concat(emptyArray); console.log(newArray3); // 输出: [1, 2, 3] // 合并字符串和数组 const array4 = ['a', 'b', 'c']; const newArray4 = ...