JavaScript 编程精解 中文第三版 十七、在画布上绘图,十七、在画布上绘图原文:DrawingonCanvas译者:飞龙协议:CCBY-NC-S\
十七、在画布上绘图 原文:Drawing on Canvas 译者:飞龙 协议:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 自豪地采用谷歌翻译 部分参考了《JavaScript 编程精解(第 2 版)》 绘图就是欺骗。
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseDown, false); canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseXY, false); document.body.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseUp, false); //For mobile canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", mouseDown, false); canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", mouseXY, true);
on('mouse:move',function(e){ }); /* function resizeCanvas() { setTimeout(()=>{ var canvasContainer=document.getElementById('ccontainer'); canvas.setHeight(canvasContainer.clientHeight); canvas.setWidth(canvasContainer.clientWidth); canvas.renderAll(); },500); }*/ application.activateDrawing...
document.onmousemove = function(event) { that.drawing(event); }; document.onmouseup = this.drawEnd; }, drawing: function(e) { var stage_info = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); this.context.lineTo( e.clientX - stage_info.left, ...
前些天学习了HTML5的<canvas>元素,今天就来实践一下,用canvas做一个画板。 首先说一下要实现的功能: 切换画笔颜色 调整笔刷粗细 清空画布 橡皮擦擦除 撤销操作 保存成图片 兼容移动端(支持触摸) 好了,废话少说,先看最终效果: ...
window.onload = function() { var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"), context = canvas.getContext("2d"), width = canvas.wid
要使用<canvas>元素,必须先设置其width和height属性,指定可以绘图的区域大小。出现在开始和结束标签中的内容是后备信息,如果浏览器不支持<canvas>元素,就会显示这些信息。如下例子: <canvasid="drawing"width="200"height="200">A drawing of something.</canvas> ...
This was part of a complex drawing project, which is not relevant right now. The idea was to have a fully configurable canvas, where you could pick colours and sizes to write and draw anything. I’m sure this has been done before, so I tried to keep my code to a minimum, while mak...
如果想看示例代码,可以戳我的CodePen - Drawing Text和CodePen - Text Styles. 如果想要更完整地了解绘制文本,可以看看MDN - 绘制文本。 ️ 2. 操作图片 2.1 将图片导入<canvas> 将图片导入<canvas>,我们需要: 获得一个指向HTMLImageElement的对象或另一个<canvas>元素的引用源,也可以提供一个 URL 的方式来...