Since an empty string ("") is afalsyvalue, so the value got replaced by the right-side using the||(OR) operator. Conclusion: The Javascriptdouble question markoperator is a logical operator known as the nullish coalescing operator. It returns the right-side expression as the default value i...
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Question 4.1: How would you display the following message to the user?Copy He said: “I can’t let that happen!” Answer 4.1: Use escape characters to display quotes. There are two ways, depending on which quotes (single or double) you decide to use with the alert method....
// Double bad: if opts is falsy it'll be set to an object which may // be what you want but it can introduce subtle bugs. opts = opts || {}; // ... } // still bad function handleThings(opts) { if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; } // ... } // good function ...
The double tilde operator(~~) is known as double NOT bitwise operator. This operator is a slightly quicker substitute for Math.floor(). What are the different ways to debug JavaScript code? To debug JavaScript code, you can use console.log() statements to print values and messages to the ...
That’s right, === is also a boolean operator. == or ===? In most languages == (double equals) means equal to. In JavaScript === (triple equals) means exactly equals to and == means equal to with type casting. Type casting is fiddly stuff, and often behaves in unexpected ways....
Disable a button to avoid double clicks Disable a Dropdownlist when a Checkbox is checked Disable button after click to prevent double clicking Disable Back and Refresh button Disable button only after validation passes Disable buttons, btn.Visible=False or btn.Enable=False? Disable ENTE...
Quotes around a JavaScript string can be either single ordouble quotes, but each pair must be of the same type. Therefore, both of the following statements are acceptable: var myString = "Fluffy is a pretty cat."; var myString = 'Fluffy is a pretty cat.'; ...
Attribute keys are often written in double brackets. Attributes matter for normal properties and for accessors (getters and setters). The following attributes are specific to normal properties: [[Value]] holds the property’s value, its data. [[Writable]] holds a boolean indicating whether ...
« \xAB « « %AB %C2%AB left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet ¬ \xAC ¬ ¬ %AC %C2%AC not sign \xAD %AD %C2%AD soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen ® \xAE ® ® %AE %C2%AE registered sign = regi...