In this article, we will see how we can access and modify object properties in JavaScript using either dot notation or bracket notation. Their usage and syntax are only slightly different. What is Dot Notation? The most common and simple approach to accessing object properties is dot notation....
eslint: dot-notation const foo = { bar: true, baz: 5, }; // bad const isTrue = foo["bar"]; // good const isTrue =; 12.2 Use bracket notation [] when accessing properties with a variable or if the key includes illegal characters. const foo = { bar: true, baz: 5,...
“Unexpected early end of program.”:“程序不可预期的提前终止”, “A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot: ‘.{a}’.”:“‘{a}’前的点容易混淆成小数点”, “Use the array literal notation [].”:“使用数组的符号 []“, “Expected an operator and instead saw ‘{a}’.”...
点标记法 (dot notation ) 要求对象的属性必须是有效的标识符 (在ECMAScript 3中则不能使用保留 字), 但是使用 中括号标记法 (bracket notation )的话 ,则可以将非合法标识符作为对象的属性名使用。 也就是说 ,上面的代码如果像下面这样重写的话 ,就能在IE8及以下版本的浏览器中运行了 (当然还需要 polyfill...
12.1 Use dot notation when accessing properties. eslint: dot-notation const luke = { jedi: true, age: 28, }; // bad const isJedi = luke['jedi']; // good const isJedi = luke.jedi;12.2 Use bracket notation [] when accessing properties with a variable. const luke = { jedi: true,...
12.1 Use dot notation when accessing properties. eslint: dot-notation const luke = { jedi: true, age: 28, }; // bad const isJedi = luke['jedi']; // good const isJedi = luke.jedi; 12.2 Use bracket notation [] when accessing properties with a variable. const luke = { jedi: true...
一种写JavaScript更合理的代码风格。 Note: 本指南假设你使用了Babel, 并且要求你使用babel-preset-airbnb或者其他同等资源。 并且假设你在你的应用中安装了 shims/polyfills ,使用airbnb-browser-shims或者相同功能。 其他代码风格指南 类型 1.1原始值: 当你访问一个原始类型的时候,你可以直接使用它的值。
Line1:newwindow["ViewModel"][state.factoryName]();['ViewModel']'is better written in dot notation. Square bracket notation should not be required if the property name is a constant string, exceptions to this rule are when the constant string starts with a number or contains an illegal identi...
请参阅MDN上有关expressions and operators和statements的文档。
Object Access: Bracket-Notation vs. Dot-Notation With TypeScript In Angular 2 RC 4 On The Difficult Problem Of Logging Errors In Parallel Promises In JavaScript Gathering Data In Parallel Inside An Asynchronous Generator-Based Workflow In JavaScript Using ES6 Generators And Yield To Implement Asynchro...