实际上,document.writeln()是输出了new line的,只不过当浏览器在渲染renderinghtml时把新行显示为一个空格了。我们可以这样验证: document.write(''); document.writeln('hello'); document.writeln('world'); document.write(''); 输出 hello world 我们想要用document.write换行时可以用或\n。
3、输出内容——document.write() document.write(); //可直接向HTML输出流写内容。 document.write(“输出内容”); //直接输出””里面的内容 document.write(mystr); //输出变量内容 document.write(“输出内容”+mystr); //组合输出 document.write(mystr+””); //输出HTML标签 4、警告——alert 消息...
示例:在网页中输出我爱学习 http://www.52aixuexi.com 注:输出html标签;只须将标签写入双引号中。 document.write("我爱学习 http://www.52aixuexi.com"); //输出效果如下: 案例: <!DOCTYPE html>正确的减肥方法_有问必答_快速问医师
Document.writeln( )behaves just likeDocument.write( )except that after appending all of its arguments todocument, it also appends a newline character. See theDocument.write( )reference page for more information on this method. Newline characters are not usually displayed in HTML documents, soDocu...
代码语言:javascript 复制 document.write("..."); 可省略写为: with (document) { write("..."); write("..."); } //把相同的 document 省略掉。 省略对象名称,变量。如: document.myForm.myText.value; 可省略写为: f = document.myForm; f.myText.value; 2.页面调试 javascript 加入如下...
(1)document.links document.links属性返回当前文档所有设定了href属性的及节点。 // 打印文档所有的链接 varlinks =document.links; for(vari =0; i < links.length; i++) { console.log(links[i]); } (2)document.forms document.forms属性返回所有表单...
Writes a string followed by a new line character into the document stream. The open method opens the output stream for writing. When the document stream is opened, the write and writeln methods can be used to write some content into the document.
(1)document.links document.links属性返回当前文档所有设定了href属性的及节点。 // 打印文档所有的链接varlinks=document.links;for(vari=0;i<links.length;i++){console.log(links[i]);} (2)document.forms document.forms属性返回所有表单节点。 varselectForm=document...
height = height; return this; } } const luke = new Jedi(); luke.jump() .setHeight(20);9.4 It’s okay to write a custom toString() method, just make sure it works successfully and causes no side effects. class Jedi { constructor(options = {}) { this.name = options.name || '...