Chrome 的 Coverage 面板可让您快速定位已使用和未使用的 JavaScript(和 CSS)代码。首先,从 DevTools 菜单中的 More tools 子菜单打开 Coverage。重新加载页面,面板将以条形图显示未使用代码的百分比: 单击JavaScript 文件,未使用的代码在行号间距中以红色条突出显示。 如果您正在测试 SPA(单页应用程序),您可以转向并...
{ options.opened(); }); } setInterval(function() { options.offed(); console.log(toTest); console.clear&&console.clear(); },1000); } checkDevTools({ opened: function() { document.body.innerHTML='Dev Tools is on'; }, offed: function() { document.body.innerHTML='Dev Tools is ...
1.打开Dev Tools菜单>更多工具>开发者工具快捷键F12 option+command+i(mac) 打开会选中Elementsoption+command+j(mac) 打开会选中Console2.命令菜...
Modified10 years, 8 months ago Viewed2k times 0 I can get Dev-Tools to stop at a breakpoint in my JavaScript fine. I can step into or over script fine. What I can't seem to do is hit F8 and have the script continue as expected. What it does is run the JS in one of my othe...
1、按 Shift+Esc 或者转到 Chrome 主菜单并选择 More tools > Task manager,打开任务管理器。 2、右键点击任务管理器的表格标题并启用 JavaScript memory。 下面两列可以告诉您与页面的内存使用有关的不同信息: Memory 列表示原生内存。DOM 节点存储在原生内存中。 如果此值正在增大,则说明正在创建 DOM 节点。 谢谢支持 ️ 如果觉得有用,就点赞、在看、分享吧,谢谢大家啦~...
During my free-trial, DevExpress tech and customer support were superb. Not only did we like the DevExtreme product, as it matched and surpassed all of our needs and will allow us to create everything we set out to do, but also the promptness and expertise of your support were unparalle...
Open Chrome Dev Tools Go to "Sources" tab Find the.jsfile you are looking for. Click on it. Right click somewhereON THE SOURCE. Find "Add source map..." option there. (I first wrote thisas a commenttothe other answer, but@christian-vincenzo-trainasuggested having it as a separate an...
Romeunifies functionality that has previously been separate tools. Building upon a shared base allows us to provide a cohesive experience for processing code, displaying errors, parallelizing work, caching, and configuration. Romehas strong conventions and aims to have minimal configuration. Read more...
例如,在 Vue.js 应用中,缩小后的脚本被作为字符串传递给eval语句,如果不使用源映射,就无法使用 Visual Studio 调试器逐步调试这段代码。 对于复杂的调试方案,你可能希望改用 Chrome 开发人员工具或 F12 Tools for Microsoft Edge。 有关生成源映射的帮助,请参阅生成用于调试的源映射。