代码语言:txt 复制 function setGlobalVariable() { globalVariable = "Hello, world!"; } setGlobalVariable(); 在上述代码中,没有使用var、let或const关键字声明globalVariable变量,因此它将成为全局变量。 需要注意的是,为了避免意外地创建全局变量,建议始终使用var、let或const关键字声明变量。 全局变量的优势在于...
在本节中,我们将看一下define和require方法,这是 AMD 的关键组件。 定义方法 define方法定义了一个模块。一个模块可以有自己的私有变量和函数,只有被define函数返回的变量和函数才会被导入该模块的其他函数所暴露。define方法的一个示例如下: 请注意我们代码示例中的以下内容: define方法中的第一个参数是模块名称或 ...
// here we are in global scope var globalVariable = 'xyz'; function f() { var localVariable = true; function g() { var anotherLocalVariable = 123; // All variables of surround scopes are accessible localVariable = false; globalVariable = 'abc'; } } // here we are again in global...
Updated in v6.0.0; the option is --global and --globals is now an alias. Define a global variable name. For example, suppose your app deliberately exposes a global named app and YUI, you may want to add --global app --global YUI. ...
Consider a "single var" pattern. Define all variables needed in your function at the very top of the function so you have a single place to look for variables and hopefully prevent accidental globals. Variable hoisting Here's an interesting example that shows an important aspect of local versus...
//skill_definitions without ruleName: CTAT release 4.5 onward global skill_definitions = [ { skillName: "given", category: "squaring", opportunities: 1, label: "Enter Given", description: "Choose a number the algorithm supports" }, . . . ]; //Skill fact definition define Skill { name...
// bad (function example() { // JavaScript interprets this as // let a = ( b = ( c = 1 ) ); // The let keyword only applies to variable a; variables b and c become // global variables. let a = b = c = 1; }()); console.log(a); // throws ReferenceError console.log...
So, you can simply write the name of the variable and its value, like in the first example, or you can create a new object. With the operator new we create an object of type String and define its value as in the second line of code. Both the first and the second lines of code ...
Define post content. This example includes a link in the post. Publish a post to the current user's feed by using thecreatePostmethod and passingnullas thetargetIdparameter. Reply to a post by using thecreatePostmethod and passing the thread identifier as thetargetIdparameter. ...
self.foo) as global variables. A default exclusion file is provided in tools/domprops.json which should cover most standard JS and DOM properties defined in various browsers. Pass --mangle-props domprops to disable this feature. A regular expression can be used to define which property names ...