代码语言:txt 复制 const daysOfWeek = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']; for (const day of daysOfWeek) { console.log(day); } 方法四:使用Map和for...of循环 代码语言:txt 复制 const daysOfWeek = new Map([ [0, 'Sunday'], [1, 'Monday'...
const datePickerDate = '2012-10-12';const timePickerTime = '12:30';const [year, month, day] = datePickerDate.split('-').map(Number);const [hours, minutes] = timePickerTime.split(':').map(Number);const dateTime = new Date(year, month - 1, day, hours, minutes);console.log(dateTi...
Date.prototype.toString = function(showWeek) { var myDate= this; var str = myDate.toLocaleDateString(); if (showWeek) { var Week = ['日','一','二','三','四','五','六']; str += ' 星期' + Week[myDate.getDay()]; } return str; } //日期合法性验证 //格式为:YYYY-MM-DD...
constcurrentDate=newDate();constcurrentDayOfMonth=currentDate.getDate();constcurrentMonth=currentDate.getMonth();constcurrentYear=currentDate.getFullYear();constdateString=currentDayOfMonth+"-"+(currentMonth+1)+"-"+currentYear;// '4-7-2023' ...
str=str.replace(/w|W/g,Week[this.getDay()]); str=str.replace(/dd|DD/,this.getDate()>9?this.getDate().toString():'0' + this.getDate()); str=str.replace(/d|D/g,this.getDate()); str=str.replace(/hh|HH/,this.getHours()>9?this.getHours().toString():'0' + this.getHo...
这就是用户界面中时间跨度下拉菜单的目的(请参见 图 7.6 和 7.7 中的截屏)。时间跨度选项包括 Day、Week、10 Days、Month、Year 和 Full。最后一个对应于整个八年。对于任何其他时间跨度,用户界面允许用户在时间上前后移动。这就是左箭头和右箭头按钮的作用。
str=str.replace(/w|W/g,Week[this.getDay()]); str=str.replace(/dd|DD/,this.getDate()>9?this.getDate().toString():'0' + this.getDate()); str=str.replace(/d|D/g,this.getDate()); str=str.replace(/hh|HH/,this.getHours()>9?this.getHours().toString():'0' + this.getHo...
The following expression (which is supposed to return the day of week of January 1) new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(), 0).getUTCDay() returns 4 instead of the expected 5 (it was Friday...) Why it doesn't work? javascript Share Improve this question Follow asked Jan 4, 2016 at 13...
() to calculate the number of milliseconds since 1970Use setFullYear() to set a specific dateUse toUTCString() to convert today's date (according to UTC) to a stringUse getDay() to display the weekday as a numberUse getDay() and an array to display the weekday as a nameDisplay a ...