Whenever we try to copy the array, we need to consider the mutable property of the array in Javascript. We can’t simply use equal to an operator to copy the array from one variable to another. This will lead to copying the array’s references and not the array’s values, i.e., it...
letmyArray = [1,2,3];letnewArray = myArray; newArray[0] =2;// 二者都返回 [ 2, 2, 3 ]console.log(newArray, myArray); 因此,我们经常发现自己制作副本或克隆数组从而在不影响原始数据的情况下对其进行更改。 一种常见的方法是使用三点...运算符: letmyArray = [1,2,3];letnewArray = [...
六种copy array 的方式你会几种??? xdlumia 2021-08-23 阅读1 分钟 1 1. 使用...扩展运算符 const cloneArrayBySpreadOperator = (arr)=>{ return [...arr]; } 2. 使用from方法 const cloneArrayByArrayFrom = (arr)=>{ return Array.from(arr) }...
Array.prototype.toArray =function() {varresults = newArray(this.length);for(vari = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) { results[i] = this[i];/*fromwww.java2s.com*/}returnresults; }; Javascript Array toArray() // refactored/*fromwww.java2s.com*/Array.prototype.toArray =fun...
6、Array.reduce(浅拷贝) 其实用reduce来拷贝数组并没有展示出它的实际功能,但是我们还是要将其能够拷贝数组的能力说一下的 numbers = [1,2,3]; numbersCopy = numbers.reduce((newArray, element) =>{ newArray.push(element);returnnewArray;
Use slice() to Copy Array Elements From an Array in JavaScript Use Spread ... Operator to Copy Array Elements From an Array in JavaScript In this article, we will learn how to copy elements of an array into a new array of JavaScript. In JavaScript, arrays are normal objects containing...
Array.slice() Method The simplest and quickest way to copy the contents of an existing array into a new array is by using the slice() method without any parameter: const fruits = ['🍑', '🍓', '🍉', '🍇', '🍒']; // clone `fruits` using `slice()` const moreFruits = ...
log(newArray); // 输出: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] console.log(array1); // 输出: [1, 2, 3],原始数组没有改变 console.log(array2); // 输出: [4, 5, 6],原始数组没有改变 如上所示,通过调用concat()方法,我们创建了一个新数组newArray,它包含了array1和array2的合并结果。原始数组array1...
new Array()创建了一个对象,新建的对象a.__proto__ == Array.prototype。 这是一个标准的由Class到实例的创建步骤。体现了JS在面向对象方面向主流语言的过度。//let fruits = Array();和new Array完全相同 2、通过索引访问数组元素 let first = fruits[0]//Applelet last= fruits[fruits.length - 1]//...