floor(i/4/img_width) + 1; // 纵坐标 var hsl = rgbToHsl ( imageData.data[i] , imageData.data[i+1] , imageData.data[i+2]); arrbox.push(x + 'px ' + y + 'px'+hsl); } console.log(hsl); } //将rgb转换为hsl function rgbToHsl(r, g, b) { r /= 255, g /= 255, ...
rgb, hsl, hsv, hwb, cmyk, ansi, ansi16, hex 1. 文档 https://www.npmjs.com/package/color-convert https://github.com/Qix-/color-convert 安装 $npminstallcolor-convert 1. 使用示例 importconvertfrom'color-convert';// RGB to CMYKconsole.log(convert.rgb.cmyk(167,255,4));// [ 35, 0,...
[编辑] 也就是说,它仍然给我一些亮度(“L”或“V”)太暗的东西; Gimp 说 HSV 值应该是 [90, 80, 82],或者用小数表示 [.20, .80, .82]。 [另一个编辑] 好吧,一个问题可能是 HSL 和 HSV 是不同的方案……仍在四处寻找。 好吧,万一有人想要 RGB 到 HSV(就像你在 Gimp 中看到的那样),这里...
JavaScript Color Converter Script, Hex color converter RGB color converter HSL color converter, HEXT to RGB HEXT to HSL RGB to HEXHex to RGB Hex to HSL Hex to RGBA RBG to Hex R B G to Hex RBG to HSL R B G to HSL RBGA to HSLA R B G A to HSLA H S L to Hex HSL to Hex ...
Compared to what we just did to convert RGB to HSL, the alpha counterpart will be basically nothing! We just reuse the code for RGB to HSL (the multi-argument version), leave a alone, and pass a to the returned HSLA. Keep in mind it should be between 0 and 1.function RGBAToHSLA(...
#.convertGammaToLinear 将此颜色从伽玛转换为线性空间。 #.convertLinearToGamma 将此颜色转换为线性到伽玛空间。 #.setRGB r— 红色通道值在1和0之间。 g— 绿色通道值在1和0之间。 b— 蓝色通道值在1和0之间。 设置颜色的RGB值。 #.getHex
coloroffers several methods to convert from one color space to another. As of this writing, these space color conversation methods are: rgb(): To convert a color from any supported color space toRGB. hsl(): To convert a color from any supported color space toHSL. ...
color-convert Color-convert is a color conversion library for JavaScript and node. It converts all ways betweenrgb,hsl,hsv,hwb,cmyk,ansi,ansi16,hexstrings, and CSSkeywords (will round to closest): importconvertfrom'color-convert';convert.rgb.hsl(140,200,100);// [96, 48, 59]convert.keywor...
色值的更多写法 16进制 rgb hsl #html #css #javascript #网站开发 #前端开发 - 好奇代码的三木于20231210发布在抖音,已经收获了7.6万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!