The following code has to be inserted to achieve the desired effect:<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" > <!-- location. href=""; //--></script> 34. What is the data type of variables in JavaScript?All ...
My JavaScript quiz – answersPosted at February 18, 2010 by Nicholas C. Zakas Tags: JavaScript, Quiz Earlier this week, I posted my JavaScript quiz, containing some basic code along with questions. Here are the answers. Example #1 var num1 = 5, num2 = 10, result = num1+++num2...
JavaScript Interview Questions for Experienced 20. What are JavaScript modules? JavaScript modules are used in order to divide the JavaScript code into certain components. They are applied in order to load several variables, functions, or objects in a file and to send several variables, functions,...
Ideally, we want the quiz’s questions and answers to be in our JavaScript code and have our script automatically generate the quiz app. That way, we won’t need to write a lot of repetitive markup, and we can add and remove questions easily....
12,993 questions 0 answers CRM 2011 Dialog Code and Modern Browser Issues CRM 2011 uses window.showModalDialog and window.showModelessDialog, which don't work in modern browsers like Chrome and Edge. The code also uses window.parent, which should be updated to window.postMessage. Questions: How...
Intermediate JavaScript interview questions and answers 1. What is the outcome of 4+2+"8"?Hide Answer The 4 and 2, in this case, behave as integers, and "8" behaves like a string. Therefore 4 + 2 equals 6. The output is 6+"8" = 68. 2. What keywords are used to handle the ...
37 Essential JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers ( What is a potential pitfall with using typeof bar === "object" to determine if bar is an object? How can this pitfall be avoided? View the answer → What will the code below output to the console and why? (function(...
1,030 questions 1 answerOne of the answers was accepted by the question author. Adding custom hover text using json to a MS List column I found the below code online, and it is just what I've been looking for for some time. The problem I'm having with code is that if I change th...
💪 🚀 I update this repo regularly with new questions. I added the answers in the **collapsed sections** below the questions, simply click on them to expand it. It's just for fun, good luck! ️Feel free to reach out to me! 😊...
desk #2 is at the top right, desk #3 is below #1, desk #4 is below #2, etc. Your program should return the number of ways 2 students can be seated next to each other. This means 1 student is on the left and 1 student on the right, or 1 ...