Snakeis an older classic video game which was first created in late 70s. Later it was brought to PCs. In this game the player controls a snake. The objective is to eat as many apples as possible. Each time the snake eats an apple, its body grows. The snake must avoid the walls and... On first load sometimes the game frame will not load correctly and you'll need to press the refresh icon above its display panel to get the game to show. Original game is located here:
this.col = parseInt(Math.random() * gameSnake.col) } while ((function() { // 遍历蛇的 row col 然后和 food 新随机出来的 row col 进行判断,是否重合 for (var i = 0; i < gameSnake.snake.body.length; i++) { if (self.row == gameSnake.snake.body[i].row && self.col == gameS...
for(var i=0;i<this.body.length-1;i++){ if(this.body[i].x === this.body[this.body.length-1].x && this.body[i].y === this.body[this.body.length-1].y){ clearInterval(timerId) alert("GAME OVER"); } } } = function(){ ...
snakegame-javascript是一个使用JavaScript编写的贪吃蛇游戏。修复错误的过程中,我们需要先分析错误的具体表现和可能的原因,然后逐步进行排查和修复。 以下是修复snakegame-javascript中可能出现的一些常见错误和对应的解决方法: 游戏无法开始: 检查游戏开始的触发条件是否正确,例如按下特定的按键或点击开始按钮。 确保游戏初...
Snake函数 functionSnake(){this.xspeed=1;this.yspeed=0;this.tail=[{x:0,y:0}];this.update=function(){varpreviousX=this.tail[this.tail.length-1].x;varpreviousY=this.tail[this.tail.length-1].y;varx=previousX+this.xspeed*scal;vary=previousY+this.yspeed*scal;// is game overif(this...
for(var i=3;i>0; i--){ var oDiv = document.createElement('div'); = i*20+'px'; = '60px'; oDiv.className = "block snake-block"; if(i==3) = "url(/jscss/demoimg/201403//head.png)"; ...
alert('game over'); clearInterval(mytime); return false; } //吃到自己判断(蛇头坐标与其他蛇节坐标一致) for (var k = 0; k < this.snakebody.length - 1; k++) { if (this.snakebody[k][0] == xSnake && this.snakebody[k][1] == ySnake) { ...