题目:Reverse String(反转字符串) Write a function that reverses a string. The input string is given as an array of characters char[]. Do not allocate extra space for another array, you must do this by modifying the input array in-place with O(1) extra memory. You may assume all the ...
While the solutions above do indeed reverse a string, they do not do it without allocating more memory, and thus do not satisfy the conditions. You need to have direct access to the string as allocated, and be able to manipulate its original memory location to be able to reverse it in p...
正常解法, javascript 不能in-place改变字符串,开了个变量。 1/**2* @param {string} str3* @returns {string}4*/5varreverseWords =function(str) {6varstart = -1, end, i, result = "";7for(i = 0; i < str.length; i++){8if(!/\s/.test(str[i])){9if(start === -1){10star...
In a recent job interview, I was asked to write a simple C# function that would reverse a string and return the result. However, there was a catch: I was unable to use the provided string object’sreverse()function. I successfully created a function that did as requested (using a decrem...
/** * Reverse a string * * @param {String} input String to reverse * @return {String} The reversed string */ var reverse = function (input) { // ... return output; }; 可以看到,@param是用来说明输入参数的标签,@return是用来说明返回值的标签,文档生成工具最终会为将这种带注释的源代码解...
现在您不需要循环遍历字符串来反转它。此代码片段将展示如何使用扩展运算符(…)和reverse()函数来反转字符串。这在反转大字符串时非常方便,您需要为此提供快速的代码片段。检查下面的代码示例。 代码语言:javascript 复制 //example codefunctionReverse(str){return[...str].reverse().join('');}console.log(Reve...
shuji - Reverse engineering JavaScript and CSS sources from sourcemaps Usage: shuji [options]<file|directory>-h, --help Help and usage instructions -o, --output-dir String Output directory - default:.-p, --preserve Preserve sourcemap's original folder structure.-M, --match String Regular exp...
var reversearr = arr.split("").reverse().join(""); if (arr === reversearr) { return true; } else { return false; }} 解:这题考察的是简单的正则表达式,字符串翻转用题目1的方法即可。正则表达式还是自己搜索查询吧。 4.Find the Longest Word in a String 找到提供的句子中最长的单词,并计算...
reverse()函数是什么? JavaScript中的reverse()方法用于反转数组中元素的顺序。这个方法会直接修改原始数组,将最后一个元素变为第一个,倒数第二个元素变为第二个,依此类推。它没有参数,且返回的是该数组的引用。这意味着reverse()方法会改变原来的数组,而不会创建一个新的数组。例如,如果你有一个数组[‘apple’...
reverse(修改): 该方法用来反转数组(前边的去后边,后边的去前边). sort: 可以用来对数组中的元素进行排序 也会影响原数组,默认会按照Unicode编码进行排序,所以对数字进排序时,可能会得到错误的结果 排序的规则: 如果需要升序排列,则返回 a-b 如果需要降序排列,则返回b-a ...