vim 安装插件(k-vim方法 )好后 编辑js文件提示错误 可能是nodejs环境没搭建好 或者版本有误 用nvm安装node 后 需要 source ~/.bashrc 或者重新开一个终端 再运行vim 编辑js文件就可以了
2、使用插件提醒是否拼写正确 安装:Code Spell Checker 3、此时界面就会弹出蓝色的提示 鼠标放到蓝色波浪线,会有一个黄色灯泡的提醒,点击可以修改单词 8、代码、语法错误提醒 安装插件:Error Lens 默认英文提示 可修改为中文提示,打开设置,输入:Typescript local 回到代码,在html中的js错误没有中文提醒 但是在js文件...
JavaScript Standard Style - Opinionated, no-configuration style guide, style checker, and formatter Pre-evaluate code at buildtime - Pre-evaluate your front end javascript code at build-time JS-Beautifier - Npm cli and library to format JS code. husky - Prevents bad git commit, git push and...
Toolbox - UI Mockups, User Experience Tips, JavaScript Checker and More Patterns in Practice - Internal Domain Specific Languages Cloud Patterns: Designing Services for Microsoft Azure Extreme ASP.NET - Text Template Transformation Toolkit and ASP.NET MVC January 2010 Code Downloads Cutting Edge - ...
做为一名开发人员在开发的过程中需要用到很多的插件,比如小编今天介绍的一款JavaScript Errors Notifier插件,它是一款用于检查网页JavaScript代码错误的chrome JS代码错误提示插件,该插件在安装后可以在浏览网页时自动检测网页JS代码,并在发现错误时会自动出现警告来提醒使用者,同时点击警告图标后该插件还会将错误原因显示在其...
<script src="jscs-browser.js"></script> <script> var checker = new JscsStringChecker(); checker.registerDefaultRules(); checker.configure({disallowMultipleVarDecl: true}); var errors = checker.checkString('var x, y = 1;'); errors.getErrorList().forEach(function(error) { console.log(er...
GoLand also integrates with JavaScript linters and the Flow type checker. With the built-in debugger, you can debug both your client-side and server-side code and even run JavaScript code snippets in the interactive debugger console. GoLand integrates with Jest, Karma, Protractor, Cucumber, ...
Checker Typing can be added with this method: TypeScript (by Microsoft). in Typescript, Type declaration files express the data types of parameters and functions. - - superset of Javascript that compiles plain Javascript Flow Static Type Checker (by Facebook) ...
JSLint, The JavaScript Code Quality and Coverage Tool. This file allows JSLint to be run from a web browser. It can accept a source program and analyze it without sending it over the network.
检测代码英文单词错误插件名:Code Spell Checker 一个基本的拼写检查器,可以检测驼峰写法。...这个拼写检查程序的目标是帮助捕获常见的拼写错误。在编写代码的时候,我们都是用英文单词,很多时候我们都会写错单词的可能性。用错了单词其实对于维护性是有一定的影响的。...我有很长一段时间一直使用PHPStorm,但是发现用...