用Google 搜索了下JavaScriptCoverage 工具,琳琅满目。有商业版的JavaScript Coverage Validator, 还有 FireBug 的不少扩展JavaScript Code Coverage Tool for Firebug. 美中不足是,这些要么要花钱,要么已停止更新,杯具。 最后将目标锁定到免费开源一直更新的:JSCoverage. 不用不知道,一用立刻相见恨晚。下面简单介绍下。
http://timurstrekalov.github.io/saga/ JSCoverage http://siliconforks.com/jscoverage/ 下面的贴子列出来一些常见的javascript 代码覆盖工具: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/53249/are-there-any-good-javascript-code-coverage-tools 下面这篇文章评估了Istanbul,Karma,Blanket.js和JSCover工具,作者给出来比较...
code coverage for JavaScript JSCoverage is a tool that measures code coverage for JavaScript programs. Code coverage statistics show which lines of a program have been executed (and which have been missed). This information is useful for constructing comprehensive test suites (hence, it is often...
Using the code coverage tools, one can identify the quantity of code tested while executing tests. In simple words, code coverage tells us how much of the source code is covered by a set of test cases. It is an important metrics to maintain a standard quality of QA efforts. ...
JSCover- A JavaScript code coverage measurement tool. JSCover is an easy-to-use JavaScript code coverage measuring tool. It is an enhanced version of the popularJSCoveragetool, having added several features includingbranch coverage,LCOVandCobertura XMLreports for CI integration, hooks for automated tes...
There’s a new feature in Chrome Canary:JavaScript code coverage. It tells you how much of your code is actually executed, vs how much is loaded unnecessarily. I wondered how it’s implemented… these are my findings from bumbling through the source code withChrome code search. It’s C++,...
The expresso-helper modifies the expresso-source code on the fly (not permanent). This can lead to bugs in future versions of expresso (will say: please report bugs as soon as possible *g*).About a simple javascript code coverage tool coveraje.github.io/ Resources Readme License View...
1. 调起 Coverage 面板 2. 录制 Coverage 数据 与Performance 面板类似,Coverage 面板左上角有 3 个按钮,点击录制的时候会开始录制,同时录制按钮变红,再次点击录制按钮会停止录制并把录制到的覆盖率数据展示出来。此外,可以点击中间的快捷按钮,“刷新并开始录制”,待页面加载完之后停止录制。
四、代码插桩(instrumenting-code) 代码覆盖率最重要的一环就是代码插桩 istanbuljs 是久经沙场的js代码插桩黄金标准。Canyon主要为端到端测试提供解决方案,经过大量的实验验证,现代化前端工程的覆盖率插桩必须要编译时插桩。具体原因是istanbuljs提供的nyc插桩工具只能对原生js进行插桩,然而前端模版语法层出不穷,例如ts...
ability to use in annpm testscript for conditional coverage instrumentation of files in batch mode for browser tests (using yeti for example) Server side code coverage for nodejs by embedding it as custom middleware 示例报表: http://gotwarlost.github.io/istanbul/public/coverage/lcov-report/index...