--全选按钮复选框全选,全不选按钮则相反-->电影旅游游戏functionlight() {varimg=document.getElementById("light"); img.src="img/on.png"; }functiondark() {varimg=document.getElementById("light"); img.src="img/off.png"; }functionSwitch() {varcbs=document.getElementsByName("hobby");for(var...
functionuniCar(){vartr= getCheckBoxs('checkbox');if(tr.length == 0) { SimplePop.alert('未选择要提总组车的信息!');returnfalse; }varcheckcodes = '';varobject = '';var$tr;$("#tbodyId input[type='checkbox']").each(function(i,e){ checked= $(this).prop("checked");if(checked){$...
多选框checkbox: $("#chk1").attr("checked",'');//不打勾 $("#chk2").attr("checked",true);//打勾 if($("#chk1").attr('checked')==undefined) //判断是否已经打勾 单选组radio: $("input[@type=radio]").attr("checked",'2');//设置value=2的项目为当前选中项 下拉框select: $("#...
Defaults to ” value string Defines value attribute for the CheckBox. It is a form data passed to the server when submitting the form. Defaults to ” Methods addEventListener Adds the handler to the given event listener. ParameterTypeDescription eventName string A String that specifies the name of...
Create an Event Listener for the window.onhashchange event which invokes signal('ROUTE'). Create a 'ROUTE' case in the update function which sets the model.hash value. Based on the model.hash value defined above, filter the model.todos. Since this is the final quest in the TodoMVC/Todo ...
21 // Listen for changes to the checkbox 22 document.querySelector("#check").addEventListener("change", function (event) { 23 // Enable or disable the button when it is checked or unchecked 24 if (event.target.checked) { 25 actions.enable(); 26 } else { 27 actions.disable(); 28 ...
"); } else { form.submit(); } } 用户 <INPUT TYPE="button" onclick="check();" id="regBut" value="提交"/> 或者用下面的例子,里面用了onSubmit,只要提交,它就会被执行。
0);return n||(e.selectedIndex=-1),o}}}),S.each(["radio","checkbox"],function(){S.valHooks[this]={set:function(e,t){if(Array.isArray(t))return e.checked=-1<S.inArray(S(e).val(),t)}},y.checkOn||(S.valHooks[this].get=function(e){return null===e.getAttribute("value"...
In the above example, this means the checkbox wouldn't actually get checked when a user clicks on it..stop modifier Example: Adding .stop to an event listener will call stopPropagation on the triggered event. In the above example, this means the "click" event won't bubble from the button...