12varre =/^[0-9]{5}$/;3varfield ="12683";4varcheckzip = re.exec(feld);5if(!checkzip) {6alert("The zip code "+ checkplz +" is not correct.");7}else{8console.log(checkplz)9}10 输出显示结果,如图 2-5 所示。 图2-5。 Output of the script 摘要 表2-2。 Repetition Operato...
if ( date instanceof Date &&isFinite(date.getTime()) ) { // date is valid } else { // date is not valid }ExampleIn the example below, we have used the instanceof operator to check the type of variable is date or not in the if-else condition. Also, we have used the isFinite...
// bad if (isValid === true) { // ... } // good if (isValid) { // ... } // bad if (name) { // ... } // good if (name !== '') { // ... } // bad if (collection.length) { // ... } // good if (collection.length > 0) { // ... }15.4...
let url = "folder/myImage.png"; if ( isValidImageURL(url) ){ // do something if url is valid image url. } function isValidImageURL(str){ if ( typeof str !== 'string' ) return false; return !!str.match(/\w+\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|tiff|bmp)$/gi); } 收藏分享票数4 EN查看...
onerror = function ( msg, url, sLine ) { var hostUrl = window.location.href; // 判断网址,测试时可以提示出错信息;正式发布时不提示 if ( hostUrl.indexOf("http://localhost") === 0 || hostUrl.indexOf("") === 0 || hostUrl.indexOf("http://192.168.") === 0 ...
functionstrongRound(data:number[]){for(vari=data.length;i-->0;){// Comparison between string and number -> string is cast to numberif(data[i].toFixed(precision)!=data[i]){// Creating a string from a number that's casted immediately// back to a numbervarrounded=+data[i].toFixed(...
is.url(str, regExp) Check if string str is a valid url (regExp optional).const elm = Rocket.dom.element('.element'); const filename = 'filename.json'; const time = '12:54:07'; Rocket.exists(elm); // true Rocket.has.spaces('This is a test'); // true Rocket.has.class(elm...
The document must be certified. The certification signature must be valid. The signer’s certificate is trusted for or chains up to a trust anchor trusted for executing high privilege JavaScript. Configure certificate trust as described in Per-certificate trust. Certificate trust settingsCertified...
* b-15. isLengthInRange(Object, min, max,allowNull) 字符串长度是否在指定长度范围内 * b-16. checkValidDate(yyObject,mmObject,ddObject,allowNull) 对日期进行全面的检查 * b-17. checkValidDateRange(yyObject1,mmObject1,ddObject1,allowNull1,yyObject2,mmObject2,ddObject2,allowNull2) ...
12 onInputSubmitRequest: function(data) => { 13 if (data.isFormValid) { 14 // Submit the card form for the payer 15 } else { 16 // Inform payer that some fields aren't valid 17 } 18 } 19 } 20}) Example: inputEvents into individual component Pass the inputEvents object into ea...